The Government's plan for reopening - consequences for HiMolde

In line with the government's easing of the corona measures, starting from Wednesday 2 February, the extended emergency response team at Molde  University College has met today to see which measures will affect us and to plan our next steps in reopening Campus.

The most important changes from the government, relevant to our activity:

  • Colleges, universities and vocational colleges are recommended to strive for full physical teaching. It is planned that the students will have a normalized study routine and a good study environment as far as possible within current recommendations.
  • The recommendation of a distance of 1 meter can be deviated from when teaching.
  • It will no longer be a requirement to facilitate a home office. It is recommended that employers themselves assess how much home office is right at the individual workplace.
  • Mandatory use of face masks when it is not possible to keep at least a 1-meter distance in shops, malls, restaurants, public transport, taxis and indoor station areas.
  • Advice on regular testing in higher education is discontinued.
  • People infected with the coronavirus should isolate themselves for 4 days. Infected people who have symptoms must also have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of antipyretic preparations
  • Proper quarantine has been abolished for all close contacts, but you must test yourself for 4 + 5 days if contact with the infected person can not be avoided or 5 days if the distance can be maintained.
  • Infected people make sure to inform their close contacts in the event of a positive test, but the municipality can provide assistance if needed.
  • Requirements for infection control professionals in higher education.
    • Proper operation of infection control means the requirement to ensure that it is possible to keep at least 1 meter away from people who are not in the same household or similarly close 

Earlier today, the rectors had a separate meeting with Minister of Education Ola Borten Moe. The following clarifications were given:

  • We will now return to normal operation, with physical lectures on campus as a general rule. We will nevertheless facilitate that the lectures can be recorded or streamed for students who cannot attend lectures due to illness. In other words, there is no requirement for physical attendance.
  • The abolition of the distance requirement in teaching also applies in common areas with chairs, such as. library, canteen and reading rooms.
  • When it comes to exams, the Ministry of Education does not provide guidelines for how exams are conducted but encourages physical exams. It is up to the institutions to decide which form of examination best reveals the student's learning outcomes.

From home office as a general rule to ordinary office for staff

  • It will no longer be a requirement to facilitate a home office. 
  • Staff members are expected to meet at the work office
  • The new rules will take effect from Thursday 3.2.22.
Published Feb. 2, 2022 9:41 PM - Last modified Feb. 3, 2022 2:01 PM