Opening week guidelines

In week 33, a new academic year begins at Molde University College in Molde and Kristiansund. We are still in a pandemic and we are still in phase 3 of the government's reopening plan.

Therefore, at the start of studies, there may be reasons to remind both employees and students of the importance of following closely and complying with the infection control rules that apply.

No party without a quick Covid-19

The Ministry of Education and Research has asked all study places to facilitate rapid testing for everyone who is to participate in student social events during the opening weeks.

At the Molde campus, this means that all students must take a quick test before attending concerts or other social events. A negative test will give a corona certificate valid for 24 hours. The test station will be located in building on Molde campus.  On days with large events, the test station will be open most of the day.

Opening hours for rapid testing at the Molde campus:

  • Monday 16.8: 13.00 - 16.00
  • Tuesday 17.8: 13.00 - 16.00
  • Wednesday 18.8: 11.00 - 16.00
  • Saturday 21.8: 10.00 - 16.00
  • Saturday 28.8: 10.00-16.00

NB! Times may change

No social distance requirements in teaching situations

In step 3, the one-meter requirement still applies, but exceptions are given for the distance requirement in teaching and exercises.

However, it requires that we will have to register who is present in the classroom in order to facilitate the detection of infection. In the case of HiMolde, this means that we notify everyone who has attended a lecture if an infection occurs, regardless of where the person is sitting.

The general advice for good infection control still applies:

  • Wash your hands often
  • Observe the meter
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Do not hesitate to test yourself.
Published Aug. 17, 2021 9:16 AM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2021 9:16 AM