Corona Virus - Guidelines for students and staff

Molde University College is following the national guidelines for responding to the coronavirus. The leadership at the college encourages all students and staff to follow closely the information provided by the college, the health authorities and other official sources. Classes will be held as planned, any changes will be communicated. 

To reduce the risk of infection, the following rules apply at HiMolde from 11 March 2020:

  • Classes at HiMolde continue as usual, following  recommendations from the Institute of Public Health (FHI).
  • If you have symptoms of respiratory disease, cough or fever, you should stay at home.
  • If you have been abroad, in areas with widespread infection spread (see information here)  you must stay in quarantine in 14 days. Staff and students must not travel to these areas.
  • At present we do not impose a general prohibition on staff / students traveling abroad on business trips / study stays (with the exception above), but we are encouraged to consider carefully if the journey is necessary. Can the trip be canceled or relocated? N.B. See stricter rules for staff and students on health sciences further down!
  • The same assessment should be used when visiting our campuses in Molde and Kristiansund, especially from abroad. Is the visit necessary? Can the visit be canceled or moved to later?
  • Meetings that require travel should rather be on skype / video, if possible.
  • The same rules apply to nursing students and nursing students in practice as other health care professionals at your practice site. Great care must be taken. You must not attend a health institution if you are ill, have been in close contact with someone who is confirmed to be infected with coronavirus or have been in an area of ​​widespread infection (see information here). If you have any doubts, please contact the study leader or practice supervisor.
  • In addition, for nursing and protection students and their teachers / supervisors, the following applies: If you are traveling abroad now, you cannot go into practice until you have been home for 14 days after returning home. These 14 days will be regarded as unauthorized absence if departure takes place as of March 12, and may therefore have consequences for the course of study.

It is important that everyone follow FHI's advice, especially regarding hand hygiene and cough hygiene. (see information here)

The emergency response team at HiMolde follows the situation closely, and there may be changes in the guidelines and advice.

Published Mar. 11, 2020 10:27 AM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2020 10:27 AM