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The coronavirus - advice for employees and students at HiMolde

Many students and staff members are concerned about how the corona virus this will affect themselves and their surroundings. We want to provide good information to our staff and students and support our health authorities with advice on building and managing possible infected patients.

Photo: CDC, Alissa Eckert

Photo: CDC, Alissa Eckert

Earlier this year, the management and HiMolde released information and travel advice due to the outbreak of the corona virus. On Campus, posters has been hung up and new AntiBac dispensers have been installed on toilets and at the front doors.

The emergency response team met this week to review the college's pandemic plan. We urge students and staff to pay a special attention to the following:

Travel advices

The college asks students and staff to follow travel advice from The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health's for travels to and from places with outbreaks.  HiMolde students abroad should always follow the advice given by local contacts/health authorities

Register your travel abroad in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' "Reiseregistrering" (in Norwegian only)

If you have visited a area with corona virus outbreak AND develop symptoms of a fever, cough or shortness of breath, you should immediately contact a doctor or the out-of-hours medical service by phone.  Note! It is important that you call the doctor before visiting the doctor's surgery. 
You can call the out-of-hours medical service on 116117

Prevent Infection

Published Feb. 28, 2020 9:47 AM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2020 10:38 AM