Reference list

What does the reference list contain?

A reference list is an alphabetical list of all sources used in the assignment text. The list appears at the end of an assignment on a new page.
All sources used in the assignment must appear in the reference list.
A reference should contain all the necessary information for unique identification. A reference usually contains the following elements:
  • Author
  • Year of publication
  • Title
  • Place of publication (not for journals)
  • Publisher (not for journals)

A checklist for what the reference list should look like: 

  • Reference data must be correct and complete
  • Use “Reference list” as heading
  • The list appears at the end of the document on a new page
  • Use “indented margin” or a line shift for each entry
  • Arrange entries alphabetically by first author’s surname
  • Separate multiple authors by comma, with “and” before the last author
  • Only first authors name is inverted
  • Author’s first name is included if known, if else use initals
  • Up to ten authors: all names are listed
  • Use italics for book titles, journal titles, and conference titles
  • Use “quotation marks” for article titles, chapter titles  and unpublished works
  • The language used in the reference list follows the language in the assignment
You can read more about the reference list on Search & Write.


Publisert 20. des. 2018 14:25 - Sist endret 20. jan. 2021 10:46