How to cite AI

If your text contains content generated by artificial intelligence (AI), you must provide the source.

When citing a AI-service (ChatGPT, Bing Chat etc.) :

  • In your text, include a description of how you used the the tool, it may be in your method section or in your introduction.
  • In your text, provide any prompts you used and the text that was generated by the tool, you might also consider (if long) to include it in an appendix.
    • Remember that, if you use an appendix this should be called out at least once in your text.

How to cite AI (APA 7th)

In text

(Company/Rightsholder, Year)

In the reference list

Company/Rightsholder. (Year). Software title (Version) [Large language model]. Publisher. URL-to-where-you-may-access-the-service

  • Describe in brackets what kind of AI-service you are refering to. For example [ Large language model], [Text-to-image model] etc.
  • If the company/rightsholder is the same as the publisher, you don’t need publisher.

Example [Large language model]:

In text

When asked "why is it important to cite relevant sources in a academic text?", ChatGPT answered "It is a crucial aspect of academic integrity and allows readers to assess the strength and validity of your claims" (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).

In the reference list

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Nov 6 version) [Large language model].

Example [Text-to-image model]:

In text:

Image of man holding umbrella generated using Midjourney (2023).

In the reference list:

Midjourney. (2023). Midjourney (V5.1) [Text-to-image model].

Additional resources

AI Tools (Search & Write)

Using and referring to AI software (James Cook University Library)