Publish & Read agreements for 2023

- Wiley and Sikt has reached an agreement.

The negotiations between Wiley and Sikt has finally resulted in an agreement for open access publishing and reading access for 2023. Thus, 6 out of 6 of the agreements HiMolde ordered for 2023, regarding reading access and open access publishing, now in order.

Read more about the individual agreements and which journals are included:

Go to to find even more information on the Publish & Read agreements.


In addition to an extensive number of e-books, journals & articles from other providers,

you may find the journals/articles from the publishers/providers listed above, in, or the list of databases, found on the library website.  


Remember to use the HiMolde VPN solution for access to the e-resources available through the library, if not on campus.



Publisert 10. mai 2023 09:40 - Sist endret 10. mai 2023 09:45