Lending rules

Everyone can use and borrow from the library.

Access to loans

  • Students are registered as loaners when they start their first semester. 
  • The student card is also the library card: library ID is on the backside of the card. External borrowers must show identification papers and give their full address to be registered. 
    •  The library card or another form of identification must be presented in order to borrow a document. 
  • Students must register all changes in name and address on StudentWeb


  • The standard loan period is 28 days for books and 7 days for journals and some dictionaries. 
    • For other special collections or documents, the loan period may differ.
    • Books from the course collection are for use within the library facilities only.   
  • Loans can be renewed, provided other users do not reserve the material. 
  • Use “My Account” in Oria to renew any loans and make reservations. 
    • The course books cannot be reserved.  
  • The borrower is personally responsible for any borrowed material.
  •  Please return the loan immediately when receiving an overdue note. 
  • Lost or damaged books must be compensated for, according to agreed rates. 
    •   The borrower will be blocked for further loans (included restricted access to the library outside staffed hours) for a period if the borrower is found in violation of the lending rules, or when the borrower are required to compensate for any damaged or lost books.  

Databases, electronic journals and e-books

  •    Databases and electronic journals subscribed to, or e-books owned by the library, are only available for the students and staff at Molde University College.
    •   It is not permitted to convey any access information to anyone not affiliated with Molde University College.

Orders of books and journal articles from students

  • Please find books and journals owned by the library yourself. (Except for remote students and students in practice).
    • A search in Oria will tell you on which shelf in the library you may locate it.
  • Journal articles that are available electronically via Oria, you have to find and print yourself.
    • If you have any problems, please contact the library.    

Interlibrary loan

  • If the document is relevant for your study or research and not available at HiM, it can normally be ordered from another library.
    • You can register the order in Oria.no.

Studying abroad

  • Students, who takes semesters abroad, can make agreements with the library to get extended loan periods.
    • Usually we do not send books abroad.

External access to databases

  • External users may use and borrow from our collections and use the databases by visiting the library.
    • We do not send loans to external users private address, please contact a local library.
Publisert 25. juni 2020 10:36 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2024 13:38