Carlos Sousa

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Professor Carlos M. P. Sousa



Carlos M. P. Sousa is Professor of Marketing and Business Strategy at Molde University College (MUC). He received his PhD from the University College Dublin (Ireland).

Prior to joining MUC, he was a Full Professor of Marketing at Durham University (UK) and Lecturer of Marketing at University College Dublin (Ireland). In addition, Professor Sousa has been a visiting professor at universities in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the UK.

Professor Sousa has published over 70 articles, including: Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, R&D Management, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Management International Review, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Small Business Journal, and Journal of Small Business Management.

Professor Sousa is an Associate Editor of International Marketing Review and Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research. In addition, he currently sits on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing and Industrial Marketing Management.

In 2006 Professor Sousa won the ADMES/MARKTEST scientific excellence award for the best paper in 2006. In 2012 his paper published in European Journal of Marketing has been chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012.

In 2021, Professor Sousa was awarded the 2021 Hans B. Thorelli Award by the American Marketing Association. This award recognizes the article that has made the most significant and long-term contribution to international marketing theory or practice that was published 5+ years ago. For 2021, the prize was awarded to Sousa and Bradley’s article, “Cultural Distance and Psychic Distance: Two Peas in a Pod?,” which appeared in the March 2006 issue (Vol. 14, No. 1) of Journal of International Marketing.

Research interests

Professor Sousa’s research interests are in the area of international marketing, international business strategy, innovation management, and services marketing.


Selection of research publications

International Marketing/International Business

  • Aguzzoli, Roberta López, Jorge Lengler, Carlos M. P. Sousa, and Gabriel R. G. Benito (2021), “Here We Go Again: A Case Study on Re-entering a Foreign Market” British Journal of Management. Vol 32 (2) pp. 416-434. DOI:10.1111/1467-8551.12407
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P., Qun Tan (2021), “Looking Back to Move Forward: An Overview of Foreign Divestment Decisions” in The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy, Kamel Mellahi, Klaus Meyer, Rajneesh Narula, Irina Surdu, and AlainVerbeke (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.338-355.
  • Sousa, Carlos M. P., Rebecca Yu Li, and Xinming He (2020), “The Impact of Exploitation and Exploration on Export Sales Growth: The Moderating Role of Domestic and International Collaborations”. Journal of International Marketing. Vol. 28 (4) pp. 1-20.
  • Tan, Qun and Carlos M. P. Sousa, (2020) “Giving a Fish or Teaching to Fish? Exploring the Effects of Home-country Governmental Support on Foreign Exit Decisions” International Marketing Review. Vol 37 (6) pp. 1181-1203.
  • Chen, Jieke, Carlos M. P. Sousa, and Xinming He (2019), “Export Market Re-entry: Time-out Period and Price/Quality Dynamisms”. Journal of World Business. Vol. 54 (2) pp. 154-168.
  • Chen, Jieke, Carlos M. P. Sousa, and Xinming He (2019), “Nonlinear Effects of Dynamic Export Pricing on Export Sales: A Longitudinal Investigation”. Journal of International Marketing. Vol. 27 (3) pp. 60-78.
  • Tan, Qun and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2019), “Why Poor Performance is not enough for a Foreign Exit: The importance of Innovation Capability and International Experience”. Management International Review. Vol. 59 (3) pp. 465-498.
  • Tan, Qun and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2018), “Performance and Business Relatedness as Drivers of Exit Decision: A Study of MNCs from an Emerging Country”. Global Strategy Journal. Vol. 8 (4) pp. 612-634.
  • Gomes, Emanuel, Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Kamel Mellahi, Duncan Angwin, and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2018), “’Testing the Self-Selection Theory in High Corruption Environments: Evidence from African SMEs. International Marketing Review. Vol. 35 (5) pp. 733-759.
  • Li, Min, Xinming He, and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2017), “A Review of the Empirical Research on Export Channel Selection between 1979 and 2015”. International Business Review. Vol. 26 (2) pp. 303-323.
  • Sousa, Carlos M. P. and Qun Tan (2015), “Exit from a Foreign Market: Do Poor Performance, Strategic Fit, Cultural Distance, and International Experience Matter?”. Journal of International Marketing. Vol. 23 (4) pp. 84-104.
  • Tan, Qun and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2013), “International Marketing Standardization: A Meta-Analytic Estimation of Its Antecedents and Consequences”, Management International Review. Vol. 53 (5), pp. 711-739.
  • Sousa, Carlos M. P., Emilio Ruzo and Fernando Losada (2010), “The Key Role of Managers’ Values in Exporting: The Influence on Customer Responsiveness and Export Performance”. Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 18 (2), pp. 1-19.
  • Sousa, Carlos M. P. and Frank Bradley (2008), “Antecedents of International Pricing Adaptation and Export Performance”. Journal of World Business, Vol. 43 (3), pp. 307-320.
  • Sousa, Carlos M. P., Francisco Martínez-López and Filipe Coelho (2008), “The Determinants of Export Performance: A Review of the Research in the Literature between 1998 and 2005”. International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol. 10 (4), pp. 343-374.
  • Sousa, Carlos M. P. and Frank Bradley (2006), “Cultural Distance and Psychic Distance: Two Peas in a Pod?”. Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 49-70. 2021 Hans B. Thorelli Award Winner

Innovation Management

  • Li, Rebecca Yu, Carlos M. P. Sousa, Xinming He, and Yansong Hu (2022), “Spinning Straw into Gold: Innovation Recycling, Innovation Sourcing Modes, and Innovation Ability in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 39 (5) pp. 583-603.
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos, Ji Yan, and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2019), “Abandoning Innovation Activities and Performance: The moderating role of openness”. Research Policy. Vol. 48 (6) pp. 1399-1411.
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos, Carlos M. P. Sousa, and Ji Yan (2018), “Process Innovation: Open innovation and the moderating role of the motivation to achieve legitimacy”. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 35 (1) pp. 27-48.
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos, Luis Filipe Lages, and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2014), “Export experience counts: Exploring its effect on product design change”. R&D Management. Vol. 44 (5), pp. 450-465.

Marketing Strategy/Services Marketing

  • Coelho, Filipe, Heiner Evanschitzky, Carlos M. P. Sousa, Hossein Olya, and Babak Taheri (2021), “Control Mechanisms, Management Orientations, and the Creativity of Service Employees: Symmetric and Asymmetric Modeling”. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 132, pp. 753-764.
  • Hughes, Mathew, Paul Hughes, Ji Yan, and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2019), “Marketing as an Investment in Shareholder Value”. British Journal of Management. Vol. 30 (4), pp. 943-965.
  • Coelho, Filipe, Cristiana R. Lages and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2018), “Personality and the Creativity of Frontline Service Employees: Linear and Curvilinear Effects”. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 29 (17) pp. 2580-2607.
  • Sousa, Carlos M. P. and Filipe Coelho (2011), “From Personal Values to Creativity: Evidence from Frontline Service Employees”. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 45 (7/8), pp. 1029-1050. Highly Commended Award Winner


  • Larimo, Jorma, Pratik Arte, Carlos M. P. Sousa, Pervez N. Ghauri, and Jose Mata (eds.), (2022), Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation, and Re-entry: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence, Edward Elgar Publishing. 
Emneord: International Marketing, International Business Strategy, Innovation Management


  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Ruzo-Sanmartín, Emilio; Varela-Neira, Concepción & Tan, Qun (2024). How to successfully adapt distribution strategy in exporting? The moderating effects of commitment and responsiveness. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. doi: 10.1108/IMR-06-2023-0123.
  • Meng, Can; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Chen, Jieke (2024). Unraveling the relationship between innovation performance feedback and outward FDI: Moderating influence of inward FDI spillovers. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 181. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114731.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2023). Should I stay or should I go? The influence of managerial self-interest on foreign exit decisions. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 168(November), s. 1–14. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114213.
  • Carballo-Penela, Adolfo; Ruzo-Sanmartín, Emilio & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2023). Does business commitment to sustainability increase job seekers' perceptions of organisational attractiveness? : the role of organisational prestige and cultural masculinity. Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE). ISSN 0964-4733. 32(8), s. 5521–5535. doi: 10.1002/bse.3434.
  • Li, Min; He, Xinming & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2023). Product development capabilities-based export channel selection and export performance. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 40(2), s. 385–411. doi: 10.1108/IMR-12-2022-0268.
  • Evers, Natasha; Ojala, Arto; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Criado-Rialp, Alex (2023). Unraveling business model innovation in firm internationalization: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 158, s. 1–19. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113659.
  • Wan, Chenxi; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Lengler, Jorge & Tan, Qun (2023). Entry mode choice : a meta-analysis of antecedents and outcomes. MIR. Management International Review: journal of international business. ISSN 0938-8249. 63(2), s. 193–246. doi: 10.1007/s11575-022-00499-6.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Coelho, Filipe & Silva, Susana Costa (2022). Do goal orientations really influence performance? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. ISSN 0959-0552. 51(2). doi: 10.1108/IJRDM-12-2021-0593.
  • Li, Rebecca Yu; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; He, Xinming & Hu, Yansong (2022). Spinning straw into gold : innovation recycling, innovation sourcing modes, and innovation ability in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Product Innovation Management. ISSN 0737-6782. 39(5), s. 583–603. doi: 10.1111/jpim.12643. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Larimo, Jorma; Arte, Pratik; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Ghauri, Pervez & Mata, José (2022). Taking stock of foreign exit, relocation and re-entry : current research and future directions . I Larimo, Jorma; Arte, Pratik; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Ghauri, Pervez N. & Mata, José (Red.), Research handbook on foreign exit, relocation and re-entry : theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978-1-80088-713-8. s. 370–384. doi: 10.4337/9781800887145.00026.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2022). How do international performance, marketing capabilities and market turbulence jointly influence a foreign exit decision? I Larimo, Jorma; Arte, Pratik; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Ghauri, Pervez N. & Mata, José (Red.), Research handbook on foreign exit, relocation and re-entry : theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978-1-80088-713-8. s. 136–158. doi: 10.4337/9781800887145.00014.
  • Ojala, Arto; Evers, Natasha & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2022). Digitalisation, digital services and companies' internationalisation : a literature review. I Khare, Anshuman; Ojala, Arto & Baber, William W. (Red.), Sustainable international business models in a digitally transforming world. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-003-19598-6. s. 3–17. doi: 10.4324/9781003195986-2.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; He, Xinming; Lengler, Jorge & Tang, Linhan (2021). Foreign market re-entry : a review and future research directions. Journal of International Management. ISSN 1075-4253. 27(2), s. 1–21. doi: 10.1016/j.intman.2021.100848. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Yan, Ji; Gomes, Emanuel & Lengler, Jorge (2021). Export activity, R&D investment, and foreign ownership : does it matter for productivity? International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 38(3), s. 613–639. doi: 10.1108/IMR-03-2020-0045.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Tan, Qun (2021). Looking back to move forward : an overview of foreign divestment decisions. I Mellahi, Kamel; Meyer, Klaus; Narula, Rajneesh; Surdu, Irina & Verbeke, Alain (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198868378. s. 338–355.
  • Coelho, Filipe J.; Evanschitzky, Heiner; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Olya, Hossein & Taheri, Babak (2020). Control mechanisms, management orientations, and the creativity of service employees : symmetric and asymmetric modeling. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 132(August), s. 753–764. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.10.055.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Li, Rebecca Yu & He, Xinming (2020). The impact of exploitation and exploration on export sales growth : the moderating role of domestic and international collaborations. Journal of International Marketing. ISSN 1069-031X. 28(4), s. 1–20. doi: 10.1177/1069031X20963617.
  • López-López, Vicente; Antelo, Susana Iglesias & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2020). Firm and industry effects : the importance of sample design. European Business Review. ISSN 0955-534X. 33(3), s. 491–504. doi: 10.1108/EBR-02-2020-0038.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2020). Giving a fish or teaching to fish? : exploring the effects of home-country governmental support on foreign exit decisions. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 37(6), s. 1181–1203. doi: 10.1108/IMR-03-2019-0104.
  • Carballo-Penela, Adolfo; Ruzo-Sanmartín, Emilio & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2020). Influence of business commitment to sustainability, perceived value fit, and gender in job seekers pursuit intentions : a cross-country moderated mediation analysis. Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050. 12(11), s. 1–18. doi: 10.3390/su12114395. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Aguzzoli, Roberta; Lengler, Jorge; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Benito, Gabriel R G (2020). Here we go again : a case study on re-entering a foreign market. British Journal of Management. ISSN 1045-3172. 32(2), s. 416–434. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12407. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Gomes, Emanuel; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Vendrell-Herrero, Ferran (2020). International marketing agility : conceptualization and research agenda. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 37(2), s. 261–272. doi: 10.1108/IMR-07-2019-0171.
  • Chen, Jieke; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & He, Xinming (2019). Nonlinear effects of dynamic export pricing on export sales : a longitudinal investigation. Journal of International Marketing. ISSN 1069-031X. 27(3), s. 60–78. doi: 10.1177/1069031X19845853.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2019). Why poor performance is not enough for a foreign exit : the importance of innovation capability and international experience. MIR. Management International Review: journal of international business. ISSN 0938-8249. 59(3), s. 465–498. doi: 10.1007/s11575-019-00384-9.
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos; Yan, Ji & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2019). Abandoning innovation activities and performance: The moderating role of openness. Research Policy. ISSN 0048-7333. 48(6), s. 1399–1411. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2019.02.005.
  • Santos, Maria Céu; Coelho, Filipe; Gomes, Jorge F. S. & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2019). Personal values and the features of psychological contracts. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. ISSN 1934-8835. 27(4), s. 1111–1123. doi: 10.1108/IJOA-08-2018-1507.
  • Chen, Jieke; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & He, Xinming (2019). Export market re-entry : time-out period and price/quality dynamisms. Journal of World Business. ISSN 1090-9516. 54(2), s. 154–168. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2019.01.001. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hughes, Mathew; Hughes, Paul; Yan, Ji & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2019). Marketing as an investment in shareholder value. British Journal of Management. ISSN 1045-3172. 30(4), s. 943–965. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12284.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Yu, Li & He, Xinming (2018). Antecedents, marketing capabilities contingencies and performance consequences of innovative imitation orientation : a resource orchestration perspective. I Leonidou, Leonidas; Katsikeas, Constantine; Samiee, Saeed & Aykol, Bilge (Red.), Advances in Global Marketing: A Research Anthology. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-61384-0. s. 169–186. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61385-7_8.
  • Gomes, Emanuel; Vendrell-Herrero, Ferran; Mellahi, Kamel; Angwin, Duncan & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2018). Testing the self-selection theory in high corruption environments : evidence from African SMEs. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 35(5), s. 733–759. doi: 10.1108/IMR-03-2017-0054.
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Yan, Ji (2018). Proces s innovation: open innovation and the moderating role of the motivation to achieve legitimacy . Journal of Product Innovation Management. ISSN 0737-6782. 35(1), s. 27–48. doi: 10.1111/jpim.12374.
  • Coelho, Filipe J.; Lages, Cristiana R. & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2018). Personality and the creativity of frontline service employees : linear and curvilinear effects. International Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 0958-5192. 29(17), s. 2580–2607. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1255982.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2018). Performance and business relatedness as drivers of exit decision : a study of MNCs from an emerging country. Global Strategy Journal. ISSN 2042-5791. 8(4), s. 612–634. doi: 10.1002/gsj.1170.
  • Li, Min; He, Xinming & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2017). A review of the empirical research on export channel selection between 1979 and 2015. International Business Review. ISSN 0969-5931. 26(2), s. 303–323. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2016.09.001.
  • Taheri, Babak; Coelho, Filipe J.; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Evanschitzky, Heiner (2017). Mood regulation, customer participation, and customer value creation in hospitality services. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. ISSN 0959-6119. 29(12), s. 3063–3081. doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2016-0389.
  • Coelho, Filipe; Lages, Cristiana R. & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2016). The relationship between personality and the creativity of frontline employees : evidence from services. I Groza, Mark D. & Ragland, Charles B. (Red.), Marketing challenges in a turbulent business environment : proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) world marketing congress. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-19428-8. s. 589–590. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-19428-8_147.
  • Chen, Jieke; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & He, Xinming (2016). The determinants of export performance: a review of the literature 2006-2014. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 33(5), s. 626–670. doi: 10.1108/IMR-10-2015-0212.
  • Lengler, Jorge F. B.; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Perin, Marcelo Gattermann; Sampaio, Cláudio Hoffmann & Martínez-López, Francisco J. (2016). The antecedents of export performance of Brazilian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) : the non-linear effects of customer orientation . International Small Business Journal. ISSN 0266-2426. 34(5), s. 701–727. doi: 10.1177/0266242615588837.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2015). Cultural distance and psychic distance : a theoretical model and empirical assessment. I Spotts, Harlan E. (Red.), Assessing the different roles of marketing theory and practice in the jaws of economic uncertainty : proceedings of the 2004 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) annual conference. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-11845-1. s. 92–97. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-11845-1_36.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2015). A framework for understanding firms’ foreign exit behavior . I Zou, Shaoming; Xu, Hui & Shi, Linda Hui (Red.), Entrepreneurship in International Marketing . Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISSN 978-1-78441-448-1. s. 223–238. doi: 10.1108/S1474-797920140000025010.
  • Rodrigues, Luiza Cristina Alencar; Coelho, Filipe J. & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2015). Control mechanisms and goal orientations : evidence from frontline service employees. European Journal of Marketing. ISSN 0309-0566. 49(3/4), s. 350–371. doi: 10.1108/EJM-01-2014-0008.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2015). Leveraging marketing capabilities into competitive advantage and export performance. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 32(1), s. 78–102. doi: 10.1108/IMR-12-2013-0279.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Tan, Qun (2015). Exit from a foreign market : do poor performance, strategic fit, cultural distance, and international experience matter? . Journal of International Marketing. ISSN 1069-031X. 23(4), s. 84–104. doi: 10.1509/jim.15.0003.
  • Guillamón-Saorín, Encarna & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2014). Voluntary disclosure of press releases and the importance of timing : a comparative study of the UK and Spain. Management International Review (MIR). ISSN 0025-181X. 54(1), s. 71–106. doi: 10.1007/s11575-013-0194-z.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Novello, Simone (2014). The influence of distributor support and price adaptation on the export performance of small and medium-sized enterprises . International Small Business Journal. ISSN 0266-2426. 32(4), s. 359–385. doi: 10.1177/0266242612466876.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Lengler, Jorge F. B. & Martínez-López, Francisco J. (2014). Testing for linear and quadratic effects between price adaptation and export performance : the impact of values and perceptions. Journal of Small Business Management. ISSN 0047-2778. 52(3), s. 501–520. doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12046.
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos; Lages, Luis Filipe & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2014). Export experience counts : exploring its effect on product design change. R&D Management. ISSN 0033-6807. 44(5), s. 450–465. doi: 10.1111/radm.12078.
  • Martínez-López, Francisco J.; Gázquez‐Abad, Juan C. & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2013). Structural equation modelling in marketing and business research : critical issues and practical recommendations. European Journal of Marketing. ISSN 0309-0566. 47(1/2), s. 115–152. doi: 10.1108/03090561311285484.
  • Bradley, Frank; Gao, Yuhui & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2013). A natural science approach to investigate cross-cultural managerial creativity. International Business Review. ISSN 0969-5931. 22(5), s. 839–855. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2013.01.006.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2013). International marketing standardization : a meta-analytic estimation of its antecedents and consequences. MIR. Management International Review: journal of international business. ISSN 0938-8249. 53(5), s. 711–739. doi: 10.1007/s11575-013-0172-5.
  • Lengler, Jorge; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Marques, Catarina (2013). Exploring the linear and quadratic effects of customer and competitor orientation on export performance. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 30(5), s. 440–468. doi: 10.1108/IMR-03-2011-0087.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Coelho, Filipe (2013). Exploring the relationship between individual values and the customer orientation of front-line employees. Journal of Marketing Management. ISSN 0267-257X. 29(15/16), s. 1653–1679. doi: 10.1080/0267257x.2013.798674.
  • Lengler, Jorge; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Marques, Catarina (2013). Examining the relationship between market orientation and export performance : the moderating role of competitive intensity . I Jean, Ruey-Jer; Shiou, Jyh-Shen & Zou, Shaoming (Red.), International Marketing in Rapidly Changing Environments . Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISSN 978-1-78190-896-9. s. 75–102. doi: 10.1108/s1474-7979(2013)0000024008.
  • Silva, Susana Costa; Bradley, Frank & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2012). Empirical test of the trust–performance link in an international alliances context. International Business Review. ISSN 0969-5931. 21(2), s. 293–306. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.03.006.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Coelho, Filipe & Guillamón-Saorín, Encarna (2012). Personal values, autonomy, and self‐efficacy : evidence from frontline service employees. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. ISSN 0965-075X. 20(2), s. 159–170. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2389.2012.00589.x.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Ruzo, Emilio (2011). Managerial determinants of export performance : direct and moderating effects . I Jain, Subhash C. & Griffith, David A. (Red.), Handbook of research in international marketing. 2nd ed.. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978-1-84980-302-1. s. 249–266. doi: 10.4337/9781849806121.00020.
  • Martínez-López, Francisco J.; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Gázquez-Abad, Juan C. (2011). A cultural constructivist analysis of the internet's role in the international approximation of markets. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. ISSN 1069-6679. 19(1), s. 57–80. doi: 10.2753/MTP1069-6679190104.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Lengler, Jorge (2011). Examining the determinants of interfunctional coordination and export performance : an investigation of Brazilian exporters. Advances in International Marketing. ISSN 1474-7979. 21, s. 189–206. doi: 10.1108/s1474-7979(2011)0000021011.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Lages, Luis Filipe (2011). The PD scale : a measure of psychic distance and its impact on international marketing strategy. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335. 28(2), s. 201–222. doi: 10.1108/02651331111122678.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Coelho, Filipe (2011). From personal values to creativity : evidence from frontline service employees. European Journal of Marketing. ISSN 0309-0566. 45(7/8), s. 1029–1050. doi: 10.1108/03090561111137598.
  • Tan, Qun & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2011). Research on export pricing : still moving toward maturity. Journal of International Marketing. ISSN 1069-031X. 19(3), s. 1–35. doi: 10.1509/jimk.19.3.1.
  • Lages, Luis Filipe & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2010). Export Performance. I Sheth, Jagdish N. & Malhotra, Naresh K. (Red.), Wiley international encyclopedia of marketing. John Wiley & Sons. ISSN 9781405161787. doi: 10.1002/9781444316568.wiem06029.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2010). Marketing aspects of cultural distance. I Sheth, Jagdish N. & Malhotra, Naresh K. (Red.), Wiley international encyclopedia of marketing. John Wiley & Sons. ISSN 9781405161787. doi: 10.1002/9781444316568.wiem06044.
  • Guillamón-Saorín, Encarna & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2010). Press release disclosures in Spain and the UK. International Business Review. ISSN 0969-5931. 19(1), s. 1–15. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2009.11.002.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Ruzo, Emilio & Losada, Fernando (2010). The key role of managers' values in exporting : influence on customer responsiveness and export performance. Journal of International Marketing. ISSN 1069-031X. 18(2), s. 1–19.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2009). Price adaptation in export markets. European Journal of Marketing. ISSN 0309-0566. 43(3/4), s. 438–458. doi: 10.1108/03090560910935514.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Lengler, Jorge (2009). Psychic distance, marketing strategy and performance in export ventures of Brazilian firms. Journal of Marketing Management. ISSN 0267-257X. 25(5/6), s. 591–610. doi: 10.1362/026725709X461876.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2009). Effects of export assistance and distributor support on the performance of SMEs : the case of Portuguese export ventures . International Small Business Journal. ISSN 0266-2426. 27(6), s. 681–701. doi: 10.1177/0266242609344253.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2008). Antecedents of international pricing adaptation and export performance. Journal of World Business. ISSN 1090-9516. 43(3), s. 307–320. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2007.11.007.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2008). Cultural distance and psychic distance : refinements in conceptualisation and measurement. Journal of Marketing Management. ISSN 0267-257X. 24(5/6), s. 467–488. doi: 10.1362/026725708X325959.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Martínez-López, Francisco J. & Coelho, Filipe (2008). The determinants of export performance : a review of the research in the literature between 1998 and 2005. International Journal of Management Reviews. ISSN 1460-8545. 10(4), s. 343–374. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2370.2008.00232.x.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2006). Cultural distance and psychic distance : two peas in a pod? Journal of International Marketing. ISSN 1069-031X. 14(1), s. 49–70. doi: 10.1509/jimk.14.1.49.
  • Martínez-López, Francisco J.; Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Sanchez-Franco, Manuel J. (2006). Should globally oriented online firms be flexible with their market strategies? International Journal of Business Environment. ISSN 1740-0589. 1(3), s. 350–364. doi: 10.1504/IJBE.2006.010929.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2005). Global markets : does psychic distance matter? Journal of Strategic Marketing. ISSN 0965-254X. 13(1), s. 43–59. doi: 10.1080/0965254042000328668.
  • Martínez-López, Francisco J. & Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2004). Is the internet the worldwide cultural catalyst? : a theoretical approach. The Irish Journal of Management. ISSN 1649-248X. 25(2), s. 30–44.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2004). Export performance measurement : an evaluation of the empirical research in the literature. Academy of Marketing Science Review. ISSN 1526-1794. 8(9), s. 1–22.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. (2003). Determinants and measures of export performance : review, evaluation, and synthesis. Revista Portuguesa de Marketing. ISSN 0873-2949. 7(15), s. 17–26.
  • Sousa, Carlos M.P. & Bradley, Frank (2002). An Assessment of value structure and content in Ireland. The Irish Journal of Management. ISSN 1649-248X. 23(1), s. 109–123.

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Publisert 3. sep. 2018 15:09 - Sist endret 27. aug. 2024 01:31