Arezoo Soltani

Avdeling for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap
Bilde av Arezoo Soltani
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Professor i ressursøkonomi

Research and Scientific activities 

Most of my research experience comes from my positions as a researcher at the University of Tehran, Department of Forest Policy and Economics at FAO, PhD student at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Postdoc position at Norwegian University of Life Sciences and associated professor in economics at Department of Business and Management, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

My research strategy is to follow inter-disciplinary approaches, work with multi-disciplinary team to make use of the specialized expertise offered by various academic disciplines and to combine quantitative and qualitative research methods. My primary research field is «Forest and Resource Economics. » However, I realized that to obtain sustainable resource use we need a broad and interdisciplinary approach and therefore I have focused mainly on the following fields: «conflict resolution,» «climate change - reduced emission from deforestation and forest degradation known as REDD+,» «optimization programming models» and «game theory.»  

Articles in international peer-reviewed journal   

1. Soltani, A. , Årethun, T, Idsø, J. 2019.Regional economic impacts of local food-a case study of Gamalost in Vik, Norway. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (16th ICESAL): 1-10.

2. Soltani, A. 2019. Kapittel 9: Er karbonlagring i skog i Tanzania et kostnadseffektivt tiltak mot klimaendring? En modellstudie. Modeller. Fjordantologien 2019. Universitetsforlaget 2019: 205-222.

3. Soltani, A. & Årethun, T. 2019. Cultural and touristic aspects of Gamalost – a local cheese from the fjord of Norway Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism. Accepted for publication

4. Soltani, A., Rannestad, M. M., Hofstad, O. 2019. Conditional payments for carbon sequestration as a local trading game—A case study from a Tanzanian village. Journal of environmental management, 240: 331-342.

5. Gebregziabher, D., Soltani, A. 2019. Exclosures in people’s minds: perceptions and attitudes in the Tigray region. Forest Policy and Economics,  

6. Gebregziabher, D., Soltani, A., Hofstad, O. 2018. Management practices of selected exclosures in the Tigray, Ethiopia. Scandinavian Forest Economics, 48.

7. Soltani, A., Hofstad, O. 2018. Carbon sequestration payments in Miombo woodlands when transaction and inventory costs are included. Scandinavian Forest Economics, 48. 

8. Gebregziabher, D., Soltani, A., Hofstad, O. 2017. Equity in the distribution of values of outputs from exclosures in Tigray, Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Environments,146: 75-85.

9. Soltani, A. 2017. Kapittel 17: Om å finne balansen mellom materielle og immaterielle mål ved forvaltningen av statseide naturressurser. Immateriell kapital. Fjordantologien 2017. Universitetsforlaget 2017: 324-338

10. Soltani, A., Sankhayan, P. L., Hofstad, O., Eshraghi, F., Arabmazar, A. 2017. Consequences of an improved road network in rural Iran: Does it lead to better livelihoods and forest protection? Small-scale Forestry, 16: 347-365.

11. Soltani, A., Idsø, J., Årethun, T. 2017. Solidity and effective interest rate in Norwegian electricity sector. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (14th ICESAL): 1-10.

12. Rannestad, M. M., Soltani, A.,  Jjumba, J. N. 2016. Bio-economic modelling approaches for forest management in developing countries: opportunities and challenges. IN: Baardsen, S., Eid, T., Hoen, H.F. (eds.). Festschrift in honor of professors Ole Hofstad and Birger Solberg- INA fagrapport 36. 194 pp.

13. Soltani, A., Sankhayan, P. L., Hofstad, O. 2016. Playing forest governance games: Statevillage conflict in Iran. Forest Policy and Economics, 73: 251-261.

14. Soltani, A., Sankhayan, P. L., Hofstad, O. 2016. Theory of non-cooperative games as a tool to understand state-local conflicts in forest management. Scandinavian Forest Economics, 46: 208-216.

15. Soltani, A., Sankhayan, P. L., Hofstad, O. 2015. A recipe for co-management of forest and livestock—Results of bio-economic model at a village level in Iran. Agricultural Systems, 140:74-86.

16. Soltani, A., Eid, T., Hofstad, O. 2015. Optimizing management of goats and oak trees for sustainability and community's welfare: a case study from Zagros, Iran. Scandinavian journal of forest research, 30: 49-59.

17. Soltani, A., Angelsen, A., Eid, T. 2014. Poverty, forest dependence and forest degradation links: evidence from Zagros, Iran. Environment and Development Economics, 19: 607-630.

18. Soltani, A., Sankhayan, P. L., Hofstad, O. 2014. A dynamic bio-economic model for community management of goat and oak forests in Zagros, Iran. Ecological Economics, 106: 174-185.

19. Soltani, A., Eid, T. 2013. Organization, practices and performance of community-based traditional forest management–empirical evidence from Zagros, Iran. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 22: 19-37.

20. Soltani, A., Angelsen, A., Eid, T., Naieni, M. S. N., Shamekhi, T. 2012. Poverty, sustainability, and household livelihood strategies in Zagros, Iran. Ecological Economics, 79:60-70. 


  • Tayebi, Safiyeh; Jabed, Md. Akib; Ruano, Ana Lorena; Lee, Gwenyth O; da Silva, Paula F. & Ahmed, Saleh [Vis alle 13 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2024). Stakeholder perspectives on landslide triggers and impacts in five countries. Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides. ISSN 1612-510X. doi: 10.1007/s10346-024-02270-4.
  • Bukhari, Moeen Hamid; da Silva, Paula F.; Pilz, Jürgen; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Görüm, Tolga & Lee, Juneseok [Vis alle 18 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Community perceptions of landslide risk and susceptibility : a multi-country study. Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides. ISSN 1612-510X. 20(6), s. 1321–1334. doi: 10.1007/s10346-023-02027-5.
  • Hofstad, Ole & Soltani, Arezoo (2022). Å treffe en bevegelig blink – om bærekraftig skogforvaltning i 100 år. I Hogset, Heidi; Alteren, Johanne; Jæger, Bjørn & Straume, Solveig (Red.), Bærekraft : Fjordantologien 2022. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-06293-8. s. 26–40. doi: 10.18261/9788215062938-2022-02. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Soltani, Arezoo (2019). Er karbonlagring i skog i Tanzania et kostnadseffektivt tiltak mot klimaendring? En modellstudie. I Helgesen, Øyvind; Glavee-Geo, Richard; Mustafa, Ghulam; Nesset, Erik & Rice, Paula Maria (Red.), Modeller : Fjordantologien 2019. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-03439-3. s. 205–222. doi: 10.18261/9788215034393-2019-09. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Soltani, Arezoo & Årethun, Torbjørn (2019). Cultural and touristic aspects of gamalost, a local cheese from the fjord of Norway . Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism. ISSN 2169-2971. 3(4), s. 271–281. doi: 10.3727/216929719X15603602842296.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Rannestad, Meley Mekonen & Hofstad, Ole (2019). Conditional payments for carbon sequestration as a local trading game - A case study from a Tanzanian village. Journal of Environmental Management. ISSN 0301-4797. 240, s. 331–342. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.03.127.
  • Gebregziabher, Dawit & Soltani, Arezoo (2019). Exclosures in people’s mind: perceptions and attitudes in the Tigray Region. Forest Policy and Economics. ISSN 1389-9341. 101, s. 1–14. doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2019.01.012. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Gebregziabher, Dawit; Soltani, Arezoo; Hofstad, Ole & Betemariam, Ermias (2018). Ensuring rural energy security: a path to sustainable land restoration movement in Africa. Nature&Faune. ISSN 2026-5611. 31(1), s. 75–78.
  • Gebregziabher, Dawit; Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2018). Management practices of selected exclosures in the Tigray, Ethiopia. Scandinavian Forest Economics. ISSN 0355-032X. 48, s. 231–239.
  • Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2018). Carbon sequestration payments in Miombo woodlands when transaction and inventory costs are included. Scandinavian Forest Economics. ISSN 0355-032X. 48, s. 216–230.
  • Gebregziabher, Dawit; Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2017). Equity in the distribution of values of outputs from exclosures in Tigray, Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Environments. ISSN 0140-1963. 146, s. 75–85. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2017.07.003.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Idsø, Johannes & Årethun, Torbjørn (2017). Solidity and effective interest rate in Norwegian electricity sector. I Arnold, Vicky; Stefanou, Constantinos J. & Sutton, Steve G. (Red.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (14th ICESAL 2017). International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (ICESAL). ISSN 978-960-287-155-3.
  • Soltani, Arezoo (2017). Om å finne balansen mellom materielle og immaterielle mål ved forvaltningen av statseide naturressurser. I Andersen, John Roger; Bjørhusdal, Eli; Nesse, Jon Gunnar & Årethun, Torbjørn (Red.), Immateriell kapital. Fjordantologien 2017. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215028163. s. 324–338. doi: 10.18261/9788215028163-2017-17. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Sankhayan, Prem Lall & Hofstad, Ole (2016). Theory of non-cooperative games as a tool to understand state-local conflicts in forest management. Scandinavian Forest Economics. ISSN 0355-032X. 46, s. 208–216.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Sankhayan, Prem Lall; Hofstad, Ole; Eshraghi, Farshid & Arabmazar, Abbas (2016). Consequences of an Improved Road Network in Rural Iran: Does it Lead to Better Livelihoods and Forest Protection? Small-scale Forestry. ISSN 1873-7617. 16(3), s. 347–365. doi: 10.1007/s11842-016-9360-z.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Sankhayan, Prem Lall & Hofstad, Ole (2016). Playing forest governance games: State-village conflict in Iran. Forest Policy and Economics. ISSN 1389-9341. 73, s. 251–261. doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2016.09.021.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Sankhayan, Prem Lall & Hofstad, Ole (2015). A recipe for co-management of forest and livestock - Results of bio-economic model at a village level in Iran. Agricultural Systems. ISSN 0308-521X. 140, s. 74–86. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2015.09.001.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Eid, Tron Haakon & Hofstad, Ole (2015). Optimizing management of goats and oak trees for sustainability and community's welfare: a case study from Zagros, Iran. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. ISSN 0282-7581. 30(1), s. 49–59. doi: 10.1080/02827581.2014.920909.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Angelsen, Arild & Eid, Tron Haakon (2014). Poverty, forest dependence and forest degradation links: evidence from Zagros, Iran. Environment and Development Economics. ISSN 1355-770X. 19(5), s. 607–630. doi: 10.1017/S1355770X13000648.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Sankhayan, Prem Lall & Hofstad, Ole (2014). A dynamic bio-economic model for community management of goat and oak forests in Zagros, Iran. Ecological Economics. ISSN 0921-8009. 106, s. 174–185. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.07.020.
  • Soltani, Arezoo & Eid, Tron Haakon (2013). Organization, practices and performance of community-based traditional forest management - empirical evidence from Zagros, Iran. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. ISSN 1472-8028. 22, s. 19–37. doi: 10.1080/14728028.2013.764168.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Angelsen, Arild; Eid, Tron Haakon; Naieni, Mohammad Saeid Noori & Shamekhi, Taghi (2012). Poverty, sustainability, and household livelihood strategies in Zagros, Iran. Ecological Economics. ISSN 0921-8009. 79, s. 60–70. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.04.019.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2023). Grønt næringsliv? Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160.
  • Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2023). Klimatilpasning er viktigere enn å stoppe endringene. Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160.
  • Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2023). Klimatilpasning er viktigere enn å stoppe endringene. Tidens Krav.
  • Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2022). Bærekraft - en bevegelig blink. Tidens Krav.
  • Hofstad, Ole & Soltani, Arezoo (2021). Å treffe en bevegelig blink - om bærekraftig skogforvaltning i 100 år.
  • Soltani, Arezoo (2020). Bioøkonomiske modeller- et verktøy for bærekraftig utvikling . I Longvanes, Leif Jostein & Årethun, Torbjørn (Red.), Berekraftig verdiskaping. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245024005. s. 71–82.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Årethun, Torbjørn & Idsø, Johannes (2019). Regional economic impacts of local food-a case study of Gamalost in Vik, Norway.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Idsø, Johannes & Årethun, Torbjørn (2017). Soliditeten og den effektive lånerenten i kraftbransjen.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Rannestad, Meley Mekonen & Hofstad, Ole (2017). Local REDD+ payments as a trading game – a case study from a Tanzanian village.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Rannestad, Meley Mekonen & Hofstad, Ole (2017). Multi objective bio-economic model for conflict analysis in carbon trading game.
  • Gebregziabher, Dawit; Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2017). Potential Drivers of Illegal Harvest on Exclosures in Tigrai Region, Ethiopia.
  • Rannestad, Meley Mekonen; Soltani, Arezoo & Hofstad, Ole (2016). Optimal use of land under the REDD+ regime: the case of Mlumbilo village, Tanzania. Scandinavian Forest Economics. ISSN 0355-032X. 46, s. 219–219.
  • Rannestad, Meley Mekonen; Soltani, Arezoo & Jjumba, Justine Namaalwa (2016). Bio-economic modelling approaches for forest management in developing countries: opportunities and challenges. I Baardsen, Sjur; Eid, Tron & Hoen, Hans Fredrik (Red.), Festschrift in honor of professors Ole Hofstad and Birger Solberg. Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet. ISSN 1891-2281. s. 109–113.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Eid, Tron Haakon & Hofstad, Ole (2013). A dynamic bio-economic model for community management of goat and oak forests in Zagros, Iran.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Angelsen, Arild & Eid, Tron Haakon (2012). A comparative analysis of forest dependence,sustainability and tenure in Zagros, Iran.
  • Soltani, Arezoo; Hofstad, Ole & Gebregziabher, Dawit (2018). Socioeconomics and governance of exclosures in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia . Institutt for naturforvaltning, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet. ISSN 1894-6402.
  • Baardsen, Sjur; Bryden, John Marshall; Refsgaard, Karen; Nordskog, Kjersti; Cappelen, Katja Strøm & Lie, Helene [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2011). Comparative perspectives on rural development and policy challenges in Sogn og Fjordane. Norsk Institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskning. ISSN 978-82-7077-808-9. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 13. aug. 2019 10:11 - Sist endret 26. aug. 2024 21:22