Acar Kutay

Avdeling for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap
Bilde av Acar Kutay
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  • Teaching
  • Research


I have been an internationally mobile researcher with extensive experience spanning various European countries, primarily within Scandinavia. Since 2008, I have been immersed in research and teaching across Norway, Sweden, North Cyprus, and Denmark. This dynamic journey has not only enriched my intellectual pursuits but has also significantly contributed to my personal growth.

My research revolves around the application of critical approaches to organized groups in civil society, European governance, governance theory, global politics, and Turkey's modern political history.

In my doctoral research, I delved into the EU's stance towards civil society within the context of its governance reforms. Subsequently, my research interests expanded to explore the intricate relationships between civil society, the state, and the market. Through several articles and the publication of my recent book, I have critically analyzed the repercussions of new governance reforms – such as networks, privatization, and marketization – on civil society and its organizations. This multifaceted research bridges various disciplines including philosophy of social science, governance theory, democratic theory, international development, and political economy. Notably, this research highlighted the impacts of new governance reforms and neoliberalism on the emergence of new subjectivities within civil society. I have also investigated the evolving dynamics of state-society relations and the intricate interplay among Civil Society, State, and Market.

This exploration culminated in my second book, "NGOs, Civil Society, and Structural Transformations," which synthesizes these insights.

In recent times, I have expanded my research scope to encompass the analysis of political struggles within civil society and their reverberations across political and legal orders. This has led me to scrutinize constitutional and political shifts in Turkey, alongside an exploration of how global governance, power structures, and domination impact democracy in the developing world. My ultimate aim is to propose strategies of resistance against these structures to reinstate or establish democratic ideals of equality and self-governance. I focus particularly on how neoliberalism shapes democracy in the developing world, advocating for multiple struggles aligned with social justice and political equality.

My research contributions on civil society, participation, and governance have found a home in prominent international journals such as Critical Policy Studies, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, European Law Journal, Globalizations, Javnost-the Public, and Philosophy and Social Criticism and Critical Sociology.

Currently, I am actively engaged in three distinct research projects. While they vary in theme, they all emanate from a unified philosophical and methodological foundation deeply rooted in critical social and political theory.

  1. Interpretive Political Science and Civil Society: My abiding interest in civil society and civil society organizations persists. I am broadening my scope to encompass global civil society and development, shifting my focus towards governance theory and international relations literature.
  2. Global Governance, New Constitutionalism, and New Social Movements: My second project centers on the examination of global governance's institutional and normative framework, alongside structures of power and domination. I am investigating how neoliberalism influences democracy and how we can build strategies to counter these dynamics in favor of democratic ideals.
  3. Democratic Backsliding and Political Antagonism: My research also encompasses the realms of democratic backsliding and populism. I plan to delve into a project exploring Turkey's political transformation and hegemonic struggles, expanding upon my recently published article in Philosophy & Social Criticism.


Current Project

Representing Molde University College, I am currently involved in EXPRESS 2 SPECIFY AND PROTECT THE EU SOCIAL CONTRACT (EXPRESS2) project, which is funded by the European Commission under Horizon Programme. EXPRESS2 is a project that addresses from a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and cross-sectional perspective, the growing demand for a new, more democratic, inclusive, and sustainable social contract in the EU.




  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2024). Hegemony approach and political struggles over a new political order : the case of Turkey. Comparative Political Theory (CPT). ISSN 2666-9765. 80(1), s. 1–24. doi: 10.1163/26669773-bja10058.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2023). From social sphere to intermediary association : a critical analysis of civil society’s neoliberal transformation. Critical Sociology. ISSN 0896-9205. 50(1), s. 31–47. doi: 10.1177/08969205231180263.
  • Karolewski, Ireneusz Paweł; Libin, Xie; Patapan, Haig; Halmai, Gábor; Kutay, Riza Acar & Guasti, Petra [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Carl Schmitt and democratic backsliding. Contemporary Political Theory. ISSN 1470-8914. 22(3), s. 406–437. doi: 10.1057/s41296-023-00625-5.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2022). Neoliberalism incites but also restrains revolutionary change in the Third World – why articulating multiple struggles is necessary to confront structures of domination. Globalizations. ISSN 1474-7731. 19(7), s. 1013–1028. doi: 10.1080/14747731.2021.2025289.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2022). Representing European civil society : a decentred and political approach . Javnost - The Public. ISSN 1318-3222. 29(3), s. 250–266. doi: 10.1080/13183222.2022.2067974.
  • Kohler-Koch, Beate & Kutay, Riza Acar (2021). Civil society and the European Union. I List, Regina A.; Anheier, Helmut & Toepler, Stefan (Red.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-99675-2. s. 1–7.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2021). A historical analysis of the AKP in power : hegemony, predominance, and interregnum. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift. ISSN 2004-0598. 123(1), s. 55–73.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2021). Political realism, liberal constitutionalism and Arab spring. International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies. ISSN 2050-103X. 8(4), s. 267–283. doi: 10.1504/IJHRCS.2021.117955.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2020). Constitutional revolutions beyond liberalism : a realist critique. I Belov, Martin & Ninet, Antoni Abat i (Red.), Revolution, transition, memory, and oblivion : reflections on constitutional change. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 80037 052 4. s. 54–70.
  • Ninet, Antoni Abat & Kutay, Riza Acar (2020). Europe's lack of solidarity in its response to the humanitarian crisis : jeopardizing the European Union's Constitutional Imaginary. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic. ISSN 1885-5709. s. 99–111. doi: 10.2436/rcdp.i61.2020.3403.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2019). From Weimar to Ankara: Carl Schmitt, sovereignty and democracy. Philosophy & Social Criticism. ISSN 0191-4537. 45(6), s. 728–752. doi: 10.1177/0191453719830150.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2017). From guardianship to civilian control : how did the Turkish military get here? Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. ISSN 2587-9324. 10(3), s. 68–82. doi: 10.23932/2542-0240-2017-10-3-68-82.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2017). How does the European Commission create a European civil society with words? : a discourse theoretical inquiry. Journal of Common Market Studies. ISSN 0021-9886. 55(5), s. 1094–1109. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12526.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2016). A critical transnational public sphere : bringing back common good and social ontology in context. Globalizations. ISSN 1474-7731. 13(1), s. 47–61. doi: 10.1080/14747731.2015.1037125.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2015). After governance : a normative reflection on civil cociety participation in policy processes. Tidsskriftet Politik. ISSN 1604-0058. 18(2), s. 24–33. doi: 10.7146/politik.v18i2.27611.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2015). Dominant pluralism and discursive strategies of contemporary racism against Muslim minorities in Europe. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. ISSN 1360-2004. 35(1), s. 1–16. doi: 10.1080/13602004.2015.1018722.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2015). Limits of participatory democracy in European governance. European Law Journal. ISSN 1351-5993. 21(6), s. 803–818. doi: 10.1111/eulj.12156.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2014). Managerial formations and coupling among the state, the market, and civil society: an emerging effect of governance. Critical Policy Studies. ISSN 1946-0171. 8(3), s. 247–265.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2013). Discursive representation : European civil society between ideals and facts . Eurosphere Working Papers. ISSN 1890-5986. s. 77–94.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2013). European Union’s communication strategy through “Civil Dialogue” : represented, performed and contested . Eurosphere Working Papers. ISSN 1890-5986. s. 61–76.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2013). Associative democracy and transnational governance : a critical assessment of normative and analytical approaches. Eurosphere Working Papers. ISSN 1890-5986. s. 45–60.
  • Kutay, Acar (2012). Europeanisation of Civil Society through the Sponsored European Publics. Javnost - The Public. ISSN 1318-3222. 19(1), s. 19–33.
  • Kutay, Acar & Arribas, Alberto (2011). The Role of SMOs/NGOs in the Articulation of the European Public Sphere. Eurosphere Working Papers. ISSN 1890-5986.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Karolewski, Ireneusz Paweł; Libin, Xie; Patapan, Haig; Halmai, Gábor; Kutay, Riza Acar & Guasti, Petra [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Correction to: Carl Schmitt and Democratic Backsliding (Contemporary Political Theory, (2023), 10.1057/s41296-023-00625-5). Contemporary Political Theory. ISSN 1470-8914. doi: 10.1057/s41296-023-00626-4.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2020). Salgına bir geçiş süreci olarak bakmak.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2020). The concept of civil society, neoliberal governance and interpretive turn.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2020). Turkey: the rise and fall of the influence of the military in politics. I Thompson, William R. & Nassif, Hicham Bou (Red.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Military in Politics. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780190921514. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1860.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2018). Carl Schmitt and struggles over the political decision in Turkey.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2018). A realist constitutional theory.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2016). Constitution-making in the Middle East.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2012). Civil society, media, and the European public sphere.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2011). Governing Europe through civil society.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2011). Democratizing EU governance through sponsored European publics : is it working, can it work?
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2011). Governing through managerial civil society.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2010). Are European NGOs carriers of public use of reason or nuclei of new modes of governance?
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2009). Are Trans-European Networks of NGOs democratizing or governmentalizing?
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2004). A glance at the army-politics relations after the 1980s.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2003). Ottoman legacy in rural relations and resurrection of Aşar in Republican era.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2001). A neo-populist challenging to neo-liberalism: Hugo Chavez. Radikal Iki.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2016). Civilian and military relations in Turkey : a historical survey . Chr. Michelsens institutt. ISSN 978-82-8062-623-3.
  • Kutay, Riza Acar (2008). Legitimising the postnational European polity : re-visiting the contract theory and governmentality. Unifob Global. ISSN 1890-5986.

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Publisert 2. jan. 2023 09:41 - Sist endret 26. aug. 2024 17:43