Bjørn Jæger

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Bjørn Jæger forsker på temaene:

  • Digitalisering av forretningsprosesser
  • Anvendelser av forretningssystemer, spesielt ERP-systemer
  • Blokkjeder anvendt i verdikjeder
  • Digital transformasjon
  • Bærekraft og sirkulær økonomi
  • Distribuerte systemer
  • Tingenes Internet (IoT), 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing
  • Ontologier for industrien

Bjørn Jæger er ansvarlig for kursene IBE430 Forretningsprosesser og ERP, IBE700 Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP, EUV777 Bitcoin-Blockchain Programming, LOG904-166 Supply Chain Visibility with RFID and IoT technologies, og LOG904-1XX Robotic Process Automation (RPA). I tillegg veileder Jæger flere bachelorstudenter, mastergradsstudenter og doktorgradsstudenter.


Bjørn Jæger har mastergrad i kjernefysikk fra Universitetet i Bergen i 1989 hvor hovedoppgaven var utviklingen av Language Ideal for Nuclear Data Analysis (LINDA) - et nytt programmeringsspråk til dataanalyse. Deretter jobbet Jæger fire åre som systemutvikler og gruppeleder hos Tele-SCADA ved ABB-Nera i Bergen med utvikling av kontroll og styringssystemer for distribuerte kommunikasjonsnettverk. Jæger ble ansatt ved Høgskolen i Molde i 1993 som amanuensis i datafag. I 2000 forsvarte Jæger sin doktorgradsavhandling Traffic Restoration in Survivable Wide Area Communication Networks ved Institutt for informatikk, Universitetet i Bergen i samarbeid med University of Pittsburgh, Q2S Centre of Excellence ved NTNU, Curtin Business School, Australia, The Centre for Change, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (CENTRIM) within the Brighton Business School, England, og The research institution of the Law Sources Foundation, Zurich, Sveits. Jæger har vært Adjunct Research Fellow ved School of Information Systems, Curtin, Australia, og ham er medlem i ISO Komiténr SN/K 593 for standardisering av Blockchain. Jæger har hatt mange ulike verv og funksjoner ved høgskolen - blant annet instituttleder, leder for HiMolde SAP University Alliance program og forskningsgruppeleder.

Emneord: Digitalisering, Forretningsprosesser, ERP, Blokkjeder


  • Milanés, Anolan Yamilé & Jæger, Bjørn (2023). Teaching Programming Blockchain Applications to undergraduate students . NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning. ISSN 1892-0713. s. 1–14.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Myrold, Sivert (2023). Textile industry circular supply chains and digital product passports : two case studies. I Alfnes, Erlend; Romsdal, Anita; Strandhagen, Jan Ola; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Red.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2023, Trondheim, Norway, September 17–21, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-43688-8. s. 350–363. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43688-8_25.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Wiklund, Fredrik & Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2023). Additive manufacturing : a case study of introducing additive manufacturing of spare parts. I Alfnes, Erlend; Romsdal, Anita; Strandhagen, Jan Ola; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Red.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2023, Trondheim, Norway, September 17–21, 2023, Proceedings, Part II. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-43666-6. s. 605–616. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43666-6_41.
  • Hogset, Heidi; Alteren, Johanne; Jæger, Bjørn & Straume, Solveig (2022). Det vanskelige bærekraftsbegrepet. I Hogset, Heidi; Alteren, Johanne; Jæger, Bjørn & Straume, Solveig (Red.), Bærekraft : Fjordantologien 2022. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-06293-8. s. 13–25. doi: 10.18261/9788215062938-2022-01. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tømmervåg, Arild Samuelsen; Bach, Terje & Jæger, Bjørn (2022). Leveraging the competition : Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enabling competitive small and medium sized auditing firms, 2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2022) : January 9-12, 2022 (Virtual Conference) Narvik, Norway. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISSN 978-1-6654-4540-5. s. 833–837. doi: http:/
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Lin, Ning (2021). Utilizing breakthrough innovations : the need for information sharing as a new key performance indicator for container port operations. I Hernández, Jorge E.; Li, Dong; Jiménez-Sánchez, José Elías; Cedillo-Campos, Miguel Gaston & Wenping, Luo (Red.), Collaborative logistics and intermodality : integration in supply chain network models and solutions for global environments. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-50958-3. s. 135–157. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50958-3.
  • Andersen, Terje & Jæger, Bjørn (2021). Circularity for electric and electronic equipment (EEE), the Edge and Distributed Ledger (Edge&DL) model. Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050. 13(17), s. 1–23. doi: 10.3390/su13179924. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Klymenko, Olena; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld & Jæger, Bjørn (2021). The enabling role of digital technologies in sustainability accounting : findings from Norwegian manufacturing companies . Systems. ISSN 2079-8954. 9(2), s. 1–20. doi: 10.3390/systems9020033. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tsvetkova, Antonina; Bach, Terje & Jæger, Bjørn (2021). Digital technologies within the supply chain management curriculum : an experiential learning approach to understanding knowledge co-creation (an essay). I Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Abbas; Helde, Roger & Suzen, Elisabeth (Red.), Supplemental instruction : volume 1: digital technologies. Waxmann Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8309-4324-2. s. 87–104. doi: 10.31244/9783830993247. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Menebo, Mesay Moges & Upadhyay, Arvind (2021). Identification of environmental supply chain bottlenecks : a case study of the Ethiopian healthcare supply chain. Management of Environmental Quality (MEQ). ISSN 1477-7835. 32(6), s. 1233–1254. doi: 10.1108/MEQ-12-2019-0277. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Ruef, Beni (2020). Digital transformation of manufacturing record books – An ontology-based case study. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073. 2574, s. 100–107. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Klymenko, Olena; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld & Jæger, Bjørn (2020). Towards sustainability : the manufacturers’ perspective. I Lalic, Bojan; Majstorovic, Vidosav; Marjanovic, Ugljesa; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Red.), Advances in production management systems : Towards smart and digital manufacturing : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia, August 30 – September 3, 2020, Proceedings, Part II . Springer. ISSN 9783030579975. s. 174–181. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-57997-5_21.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Bruckenberger, Sophie A. & Mishra, Alok (2020). Critical success factors for ERP consultancies : a case study. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS). ISSN 0905-0167. 32(2), s. 169–202. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Mishra, Alok (2020). IoT platform for seafood farmers and consumers. Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220. 20(15), s. 1–15. doi: 10.3390/s20154230. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Upadhyay, Arvind (2020). Understanding barriers to circular economy : cases from the manufacturing industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. ISSN 1741-0398. 33(4), s. 729–745. doi: 10.1108/JEIM-02-2019-0047.
  • Andersen, Terje; Jæger, Bjørn & Mishra, Alok (2020). Circularity in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) directive. Comparison of a manufacturer's Danish and Norwegian operations. Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050. 12(13), s. 1–15. doi: 10.3390/su12135236. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Aravazhi, Agaraoli; Helgheim, Berit & Jæger, Bjørn (2020). Investigation of the influence of product variety on inventories in hospitals. Engineering Management in Production and Services. ISSN 2543-6597. 12(1), s. 34–44. doi: 10.2478/emj-2020-0003. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Bach, Terje & Pedersen, Simen Alexander (2019). A blockchain application supporting the manufacturing value chain . I Ameri, Farhad; Stecke, Kathryn E.; von Cieminski, Gregor & Kiritsis, Dimitris (Red.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2019, Austin, TX, USA, September 1–5, 2019, Proceedings, Part I. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-29999-6. s. 466–473. doi: 10.1007/788-3-030-30000-5_58.
  • Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld & Jæger, Bjørn (2019). Operationalizing Industry 4.0 : understanding barriers of Industry 4.0 and circular economy . I Ameri, Farhad; Stecke, Kathryn E.; von Cieminski, Gregor & Kiritsis, Dimitris (Red.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2019, Austin, TX, USA, September 1–5, 2019, Proceedings, Part II. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-29996-5. s. 135–142. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-29996-5_16.
  • Bach, Terje; Jæger, Bjørn & Hoff, Arild (2018). Production planning and control as routing in manufacturing networks . The MENDEL Soft Computing journal : International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL. ISSN 1803-3814. 24(2), s. 1–8. doi: 10.13164/mendel.2018.2.001. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Rudra, Amit; Jæger, Bjørn & Ludvigsen, Kristine (2018). Decision-making supported by virtual-world systems vis-à-vis enterprise systems’ uncertainty and equivocality. I Gregory, Sue & Wood, Denise (Red.), Authentic virtual world education : facilitating cultural engagement and creativity. Springer. ISSN 978-981-10-6382-4. s. 175–197. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-6382-4_11.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2017). The IoT technological maturity assessment scorecard : a case study of Norwegian manufacturing companies. I Lödding, Hermann; Riedel, Ralph; Thoben, Klaus-Dieter; von Cieminski, Gregor & Kiritsis, Dimitris (Red.), Advances in production management systems : the path to intelligent, collaborative and sustainable manufacturing : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2017 : Hamburg, Germany, September 3–7, 2017 : Proceedings, Part I. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-66922-9. s. 143–150. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-66923-6_17.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Lin, Ning (2016). The changing nature of cargo container handling needs information sharing as a key performance indicator. I Zhang, Runtong; Zhang, Juliang; Hensher, David; Fu, Xiaowen; Hua, Guowei & Tang, Mincong (Red.), International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS 2016) : Proceeding. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISSN 978-1-5090-1101-8. s. 1–9. doi: 10.1109/LISS.2016.7854523.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Hjelle, Harald M. (2015). Handling multi-party complexities in container flows in the upstream oil and gas supply Chain : potential lessons for an application to intercontinental container supply chains. I ., IEEE (Red.), The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety ICTIS), June 25 – June 28 2015, Wuhan, China. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISSN 978-1-4799-8693-4. s. 661–668. doi: 10.1109/ICTIS.2015.7232128.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Rudra, Amit; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2015). Bridging the knowing-doing gap in global supply chain education. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. ISSN 1529-3181. 36, s. 393–420. doi: 10.17705/1cais.03621.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Rudra, Amit (2013). Educational activities and a competency framework for meeting new challenges in higher education. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI). ISSN 1690-4532. 11(1), s. 28–32.
  • Rudra, Amit; Jæger, Bjørn; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2011). Virtual team role play using Second Life for teaching business process concepts. I Sprague, Jr., Ralph H. (Red.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : 4-7 January 2011 Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii : ABSTRACTS and CD-ROM of Full Papers. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISSN 9780769542829.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2011). Virtual team role playing : development of a learning environment. I Vincenti, Giovanni & Braman, James (Red.), Multi-user virtual environments for the classroom : practical approaches to teaching in virtual worlds. IGI Global. ISSN 9781609605452. s. 316–332. doi: 10.4018/978-1-60960-545-2.ch020.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2011). Globalization creates new challenges in higher education - two new educational activities addressing the challenges. I Pachura, Piotr (Red.), New knowledge in a new era of globalization. IntechOpen. ISSN 978-953-307-501-3.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Rudra, Amit; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2010). Teaching business process concepts using enterprise systems in a globalized context. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISSN 1530-1605. s. 1–10. doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2010.362.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2009). What educational activities fit virtual worlds : towards a theoretical evaluation framework. I ., Ukjent (Red.), Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies : IEEE-DEST 2009 - Program and book of abstracts. IEEE conference proceedings. ISSN 9781424423453. s. 715–720.
  • Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann; Carter, Bryan; Richardson, David & Jæger, Bjørn (2009). Teaching and learning affectively within a virtual campus. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO). ISSN 1470-9503. 6(5), s. 476–498.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2009). Role play study in a purchase management class. I Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann & Deutschmann, Mats (Red.), Learning and teaching in the virtual world of Second Life. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. ISSN 9788251923538. s. 115–123.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Doucette, John & Tipper, David (2007). Network survivability, Information assurance : dependability and security in networked systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking). Elsevier. s. 81–108.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Danielsen, Ketil (2006). On rerouting in MPLS based networks. WSEAS Transactions on Communications. ISSN 1109-2742. 5(10), s. 2024–2030.
  • Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann; Ohren, Ottar & Jæger, Bjørn (2005). Broadband infrastructure and rural regional development in Norway. Transactions on Internet Research. ISSN 1820-4503. 1(1), s. 41–48.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Tipper, David (2003). Prioritized traffic restoration in connection oriented QoS based networks. Computer Communications. ISSN 0140-3664. 26(18), s. 2025–2036.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Ølnes, Svein; Jæger, Bjørn & Svendsen, Njord V. (2024). Høgskule i kryptokrangel : blir skulda for å undervise i svindelvaluta. [Avis].
  • Milanés, Anolan Yamilé & Jæger, Bjørn (2023). Teaching Programming Blockchain Applications to undergraduate students .
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Røeggen, Vidar; Børresen, Anne Kristine; Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen; Fosso, Olav B & Rasetti, Luca [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). Samme uke som forskernes artikkel ble publisert, endte tidsskriftet på gråsoneliste. [Avis].
  • Klymenko, Olena; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld & Jæger, Bjørn (2020). Towards sustainability : the manufacturers’ perspective.
  • Bach, Terje & Jæger, Bjørn (2020). Digitalization of inventory management : direct distribution effects.
  • Bach, Terje & Jæger, Bjørn (2020). Digitalization of inventory management : direct distribution effects. I ., Ukjent (Red.), 27th EurOMA Conference : Book of Proceedings. European Operations Management Association. s. 523–531.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Bach, Terje & Pedersen, Simen Alexander (2019). A blockchain application supporting the manufacturing value chain.
  • Klymenko, Olena; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld; Jæger, Bjørn & Nerger, Allan James (2019). Digitalization and environmental sustainability : what are the opportunities? I ., Ukjent (Red.), Operations Adding Value to Society : 26th EurOMA Conference Helsinki, Finland, June 17-19 2019 : Conference Proceedings . EurOMA. s. 3880–3889.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld; Naz, Farah & Rahim, Khadija Khudai (2019). Towards circular economy in manufacturing : identification of barriers seen by Norwegian manufacturing companies. I ., Ukjent (Red.), Operations Adding Value to Society : 26th EurOMA Conference Helsinki, Finland, June 17-19 2019 : Conference Proceedings . EurOMA. s. 3496–3505.
  • Klymenko, Olena; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld; Nerger, Allan James & Jæger, Bjørn (2019). Digitalization and environmental sustainability : what are the opportunities?
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld; Naz, Farah & Rahim, Khadija Khudai (2019). Towards circular economy in manufacturing : identification of barriers seen by Norwegian manufacturing companies.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Aravazhi, Agaraoli (2018). Preparing the digital workforce : best-practices in teaching SAP.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Bach, Terje (2018). Produksjonsnettverk – en god ide?
  • Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld & Jæger, Bjørn (2018). Kompetanse i en digital tid. Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2018). Technologies for digitalization of manufacturing supply chains.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2018). Operational planning and control in Engineer-To-Order (ETO) : fundamentals of Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing Networks 4.0.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2018). Manufacturing Networks 4.0.
  • Bach, Terje; Jæger, Bjørn & Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2018). Manufacturing-as-a-service : on the need for quantified quality of manufacturing services.
  • Menebo, Mesay Moges & Jæger, Bjørn (2017). Quantitatively measuring supply chain visibility : application of a novel approach – along the pharmaceutical supply chain.
  • Menebo, Mesay Moges & Jæger, Bjørn (2017). Mitigating supply chain challenges through the application of a new, sequential assessment tool - MIAAF –developed based on a case study of a pharmaceutical supply chain.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2017). Revolusjonen uten navn. Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160.
  • Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld; Jæger, Bjørn & Dugnas, Karolis (2017). Operationalizing industry 4.0 : empirical insights into a cluster of Norwegian manufacturers.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Stenhaug, Marie Pilar Jocson & Thota, Sowmya (2016). Object identification for smart logistic operations using IoT technologies in manufacturing companies.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld; Wiik, Heidi & Bø, Agnethe Hylseng (2016). IoT Technological Maturity Model and Assessment of Norwegian Manufacturing Companies.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Rudra, Amit (2011). Meeting new challenges in higher education : two educational acticities and an interdisciplinary competence framework.
  • Rudra, Amit; Jæger, Bjørn; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2011). Virtual team role play using Second Life for teaching business process concepts.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Rudra, Amit; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2011). Teaching business process management in cross-country collaborative teams using ERP.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Rudra, Amit; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2010). Teaching business process concepts using enterprise systems in a globalized context.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2009). What educational activities fit virtual worlds : towards a theoretical evaluation framework.
  • Rudra, Amit; Jæger, Bjørn; Aitken, Ashley & Chang, Vanessa (2009). Teaching ERP using an international inter-group collaborative learning environment.
  • Rudra, Amit; Jæger, Bjørn; Aitken, Ashley & Chang, Vanessa (2009). Teaching ERP using an international inter-group collaborative learning environment. I ., Ukjent (Red.), Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Monash University, Information Technology. ISSN 9780646525709.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2008). Læring i Second Life : tipp-topp eller flipp-flopp?
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Creelman, Alastair (2007). Læringsmiljø i Second Life : læring med pedagogisk merverdi eller flopp med stor wow-faktor?
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2007). Ris og ROS : Risiko Og Sårbarhetsanalyser [ppt].
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Danielsen, Ketil (2006). Effects of rerouting after service disruption in MPLS based networks.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2006). Integrert kunnskapsutvikling mellom næringsliv og høgskole innen anvendt informatikk [PDF-presentasjon].
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Danielsen, Ketil (2006). Effects of rerouting after service disruption in MPLS based networks, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications [CD ROM]. WSEAS Working Group on Computer Science ; WSEAS Working Group on Commu.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Danielsen, Ketil (2004). Effect of rerouting after service disruption in MPLS based networks.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2004). Dynamic routing after service disruption.
  • Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann; Ohren, Ottar & Jæger, Bjørn (2004). Broadband infrastructure and rural regional development in the county of Møre & Romsdal, Norway.
  • Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann; Ohren, Ottar & Jæger, Bjørn (2003). Broadband Infrastructure in the County of Møre and Romsdal and Rural Regional Development.
  • Ohren, Ottar; Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann & Jæger, Bjørn (2003). Broadband Infrastructure and Rural Regional Development.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2002). Bredbåndundersøkelsen 2002 - status i kommunene i Møre og Romsdal : leverandørvalg, kostnader og erfaringer.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2002). IKT og e-forvaltning - hvordan kan IKT bidra i etablering og utvikling av flatere organisasjoner?
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2002). Vurder alternativet! Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160.
  • Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann; Ohren, Ottar & Jæger, Bjørn (2001). Exploring the need for broadband networks.
  • Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann; Jæger, Bjørn & Ohren, Ottar (2001). En annerledes revolusjon? Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160.
  • Hauge, Odd Arne & Jæger, Bjørn (2001). Demonstrasjon av to bredbåndtjenester : videokonferanse og eLæring fra Cisco Systems.
  • Aravazhi, Agaraoli & Jæger, Bjørn (2017). Predictive Offshore Crane Maintenance Manager (PCM). Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics. ISSN 978-82-7962-228-4.
  • Pet'o, Miroslav; Jæger, Bjørn & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2014). Information and communication aspects of logistics operations and their significance for managerial decision making. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-168-3.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Rudra, Amit; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2014). ERP usage in global supply chains : educational resources. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-170-6.
  • Helgheim, Berit Irene; Jæger, Bjørn & Saeed, Naima (2011). Technological intermediaries as third party service providers in GlobalSupply Chains. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 978-82-7962-127-0.
  • Ludvigsen, Kristine & Jæger, Bjørn (2011). Roller og rolleforventninger ved bruk av avatarer i en fjernundervisningskontekst. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 978-82-7962-134-8.
  • Jæger, Bjørn; Rudra, Amit; Aitken, Ashley; Chang, Vanessa & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2009). International collaborative ERP education : development of SAP exercises and an evaluation tool. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 978-82-7962-115-7.
  • Jæger, Bjørn & Helgheim, Berit Irene (2008). Results from a role play exercise in Second Life for LOG505 and BØK700. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 978-82-7962-106-5.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2003). Network security textbook development, collaborative writing and faculty performance measurement. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 82-7962-038-9.
  • Jæger, Bjørn (2002). IKT og e-forvaltning - hvordan kan IKT bidra i etablering og utvikling av flatere organisasjoner? Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 82-7962-024-9.
  • Ohren, Ottar; Jæger, Bjørn & Molka-Danielsen, Judith Ann (2001). Bredbånd i Møre og Romsdal : behovsundersøkelse og aktuelle utbyggingsmodeller. Møreforsking Molde. ISSN 0803-9259.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 3. sep. 2018 15:59 - Sist endret 26. aug. 2024 12:47