Arild Hoff

Avdeling for logistikk
Bilde av Arild Hoff
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HiMolde - Arild Hoff

Program coordinator for: MSc Logistics, MSc Sustainable Energy Logistics, Experience-based master in logistics

Teaching the following courses:

  • LOG500 Management Models and Operations Research (Bachelor - Fall semester)
  • LOG530 Distribution Planning (Bachelor - Spring semester)

Has earlier taught several subjects within informatics, inventory and production management and exact optimization methods, both on bachelor and master level.


  • PhD i Logistics – Molde University College (2006)
  • Cand. Scient. – University of Bergen (1998)
  • Cand. Mag. – Molde University College (1994)
  • Marketing – Trondheim Business School (1991)
  • Business Economist – Trondheim Business School (1987) 

Research interests:

Operations research, planning, optimization and decision support

In particular solution methods for combinatorial optimization problems, like vehicle routing and hub location.

Topic for the PhD thesis was Heuristics for Rich Vehicle Routing Problems, i.e. search methods for solving advanced vehicle routing problems with special constraints.


  • Knudseth, Sunniva Haukvik; Molland, Even; Hoff, Arild; Hvattum, Lars Magnus & Oppen, Johan (2024). Decision support for allocating farmed fish to customer orders using a bi-objective optimization model. Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services. ISSN 1896-8325. 16, s. 67–90. doi: 10.7494/dmms.2022.16.5019. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shaabani, Homayoun; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Laporte, Gilbert & Hoff, Arild (2023). A goal programming model for the stability analysis of a maritime inventory routing replanning problem. Maritime Transport Research. ISSN 2666-822X. 5(December). doi: 10.1016/j.martra.2023.100101.
  • Shaabani, Homayoun; Hoff, Arild; Hvattum, Lars Magnus & Laporte, Gilbert (2023). A matheuristic for the multi-product maritime inventory routing problem. Computers & Operations Research. ISSN 0305-0548. 154(June), s. 1–19. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2023.106214.
  • Bentsen, Håkon; Hoff, Arild & Hvattum, Lars Magnus (2022). Exponential extrapolation memory for tabu search. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization. ISSN 2192-4406. 10. doi: 10.1016/j.ejco.2022.100028. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hrabec, Dušan; Hvattum, Lars Magnus & Hoff, Arild (2022). The value of integrated planning for production, inventory, and routing decisions : a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Production Economics. ISSN 0925-5273. 248(June), s. 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108468. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hrydziushka, Darya; Pasha, Urooj & Hoff, Arild (2021). An Extended Model for Disaster Relief Operations Used on the Hagibis Typhoon Case in Japan. Logistics. ISSN 2305-6290. doi: 10.3390/logistics5020039.
  • Saeed, Naima; Hoff, Arild & Larsen, Odd I (2021). Analysis of hinterland transport strategies when exporting perishable products. Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM). ISSN 2210-5395. 43(June), s. 1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100766. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Mecler, Davi; Abu-Marrul, Victor; Martinelli, Rafael & Hoff, Arild (2021). Iterated greedy algorithms for a complex parallel machine scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217. 300(2), s. 545–560. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.08.005.
  • Hrydziushka, Darya; Pasha, Urooj & Hoff, Arild (2021). An extended model for disaster relief operations used on the Hagibis typhoon case in Japan. Logistics. ISSN 2305-6290. 5(2), s. 1–30. doi: 10.3390/logistics5020039. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Husakou, Anatol; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Danielsen, Ketil & Hoff, Arild (2020). An application of the multi-depot heterogeneous fixed fleet open vehicle routing problem. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM). ISSN 1758-938X. 12(2), s. 142–155. doi: 10.1504/IJAOM.2020.108262. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hrabec, Dušan; Senland, Preben; Nevrly, Vlastimir; Popela, Pavel; Hoff, Arild & Šomplák, Radovan [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Quantity-predictive vehicle routing problem for smart waste collection. Chemical Engineering Transactions. ISSN 1974-9791. 76, s. 1249–1254. doi: 10.3303/CET1976209. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Bach, Terje; Jæger, Bjørn & Hoff, Arild (2018). Production planning and control as routing in manufacturing networks . The MENDEL Soft Computing journal : International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL. ISSN 1803-3814. 24(2), s. 1–8. doi: 10.13164/mendel.2018.2.001. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Martí, Rafael; Campos, Vicente; Hoff, Arild & Peiró, Juanjo (2018). Heuristics for the min–max arc crossing problem in graphs. Expert Systems With Applications. ISSN 0957-4174. 109(November), s. 100–113. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.05.008.
  • Engelseth, Per; Karlsen, Irina; Huang, Shulin & Hoff, Arild (2018). The value aspect of reallocating seafood freight from road to sea transport. I Egilmez, Gokhan (Red.), Agricultural Value Chain. IntechOpen. ISSN 978-1-78923-007-9. s. 59–80. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.68779. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Colmenar, J. Manuel; Hoff, Arild; Martí, Rafael & Duarte, Abraham (2018). Scatter search for the bi-criteria p-median p-dispersion problem. Progress in Artificial Intelligence. ISSN 2192-6352. 7(1), s. 31–40. doi: 10.1007/s13748-017-0132-6.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Hvattum, Lars Magnus (2018). The multi-period fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands. I Diez, Pedro; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Periaux, Jacques; Tuovinen, Tero & Bräysy, Olli (Red.), Computational Methods and Models for Transport. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-54490-8. s. 121–146. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54490-8_9.
  • Hoff, Arild; Peiró, Juanjo; Corberán, Ángel & Martí, Rafael (2017). Heuristics for the capacitated modular hub location problem. Computers & Operations Research. ISSN 0305-0548. 86(October), s. 94–109. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2017.05.004.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Hvattum, Lars Magnus (2016). Simple heuristics for the multi-period fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. ISSN 0315-5986. 54(2), s. 97–120. doi: 10.1080/03155986.2016.1149314.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2014). A hybrid approach for milk collection using trucks and trailers. Annals of Management Science. ISSN 2161-5012. 3(1), s. 85–107. doi: 10.24048/ams3.no1.2014-85.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2013). The shrinking and expanding heuristic forthe fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. Komunikácie - vedecké listy Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline. ISSN 1335-4205. 15(1), s. 6–13.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2013). The shrinking and expanding heuristic for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. Komunikácie - vedecké listy Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline. ISSN 1335-4205. 15(1), s. 6–13.
  • Hoff, Arild; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar; Løkketangen, Arne & Crainic, Teodor Gabriel (2010). A metaheuristic for stochastic service network design. Journal of Heuristics. ISSN 1381-1231. 16(5), s. 653–679. doi: 10.1007/s10732-009-9112-8.
  • Andersson, Henrik; Hoff, Arild; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2010). Industrial aspects and literature survey: Combined inventory management and routing. Computers & Operations Research. ISSN 0305-0548. 37(9), s. 1515–1536. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2009.11.009.
  • Hoff, Arild; Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2010). Industrial aspects and literature survey: Fleet composition and routing. Computers & Operations Research. ISSN 0305-0548. 37(12), s. 2041–2061. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2010.03.015.
  • Hoff, Arild; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Løkketangen, Arne (2009). Lasso solution strategies for the vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries. European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217. 192(3), s. 755–766. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2007.10.021.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2006). Creating lasso-solutions for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Pickup and Delivery by tabu search. Central European Journal of Operations Research. ISSN 1435-246X. 14(2), s. 125–140. doi: 10.1007/s10100-006-0164-7.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (1997). Finding prediction models by heuristic search. I Krogdahl, Stein (Red.), Norsk informatikkonferanse '97. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. ISSN 82-519-1361-6. s. 207–218.
  • Hoff, Arild; Løkketangen, Arne & Mittet, Ingvar (1996). Genetic algorithms for 0/1 multidimensional knapsack problems. I Aagesen, Finn Arve (Red.), NIK '96 : Norsk informatikkonferanse : seksjon for IT og matematikk. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. ISSN 82-519-1381-0. s. 291–301.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Knudseth, Sunniva Haukvik; Hoff, Arild; Oppen, Johan & Hvattum, Lars Magnus (2023). Decision support for allocating farmed fish to customer orders using a bi-objective optimization model .
  • Hoff, Arild; Shaabani, Homayoun; Hvattum, Lars Magnus & Laporte, Gilbert (2023). A matheuristic for the multi-product maritime inventory routing problem.
  • Knudseth, Sunniva Haukvik; Molland, Even; Hoff, Arild; Hvattum, Lars Magnus & Oppen, Johan (2022). Decision Support for Allocating Farmed Fish to Customer Orders Using a Bi-objective Optimization Model.
  • Shaabani, Homayoun; Hoff, Arild; Hvattum, Lars Magnus & Laporte, Gilbert (2021). A matheuristic algorithm for maritime inventory routing problem.
  • Hoff, Arild; Hvattum, Lars Magnus & Danielsen, Ketil (2021). An application of the multi-depot heterogeneous fixed fleet open vehicle routing problem.
  • Saeed, Naima; Hoff, Arild & Larsen, Odd I (2019). The effect of the development of port’s inland hinterland transport technologies on the export of perishable products from South Africa.
  • Hoff, Arild; Berg, Brit Flemmen & Pasha, Urooj (2019). Collecting manures from local farms for a biogas plant in Norway.
  • Hoff, Arild; Peiro, Juanjo; Corberán, Ángel & Martí, Rafael (2019). Heuristics for the capacitated modular hub location problem.
  • Hoff, Arild; Martí, Rafael; Campos, Vicente & Peiró, Juanjo (2018). Heuristics for the Min-Max Arc Crossing Problem in Graphs.
  • Hoff, Arild; Martí, Rafael; Campos, Vicente & Peiró, Juanjo (2018). Heuristics for the Min-Max Arc Crossing Problem in Graphs.
  • Hoff, Arild; Peiró, Juanjo; Corberán, Ángel & Martí, Rafael (2018). Heuristics for the Capacitated Modular Hub Location Problem.
  • Hoff, Arild; Peiro, Juanjo; Corberán, Angel & Martí, Rafael (2016). Adaptive Memory Programming for the Capacitated Modular Hub Location Problem.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Hvattum, Lars Magnus (2015). The Recurring Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Hvattum, Lars Magnus (2014). The recurring fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2013). Milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers. I Menou, Abdellah (Red.), ISORAP 2013 International Symposium on Operational Research - Proceedings. The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS). ISSN 978-9954-32-222-2. s. 343–350.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2013). The Stochastic Repeated Fleet Size and Vehicle Routing Problem.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2013). The recurring fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem (R-FSMVRP).
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2013). Milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2013). Milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers.
  • Hoff, Arild; Pasha, Urooj & Løkketangen, Arne (2012). Milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers.
  • Hoff, Arild (2012). Milk Collection in Western Norway using Trucks and Trailers.
  • Hoff, Arild (2012). Milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2011). Milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers.
  • Pasha, Urooj U.; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2010). A shrinking and expanding heuristics for fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem.
  • Løkketangen, Arne; Hoff, Arild & Pasha, Urooj (2010). New shrinking and expanding heuristics for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem.
  • Pasha, Urooj; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2010). Switching vehicle strategyfor solving FSMVRP with tabu search.
  • Andersson, Henrik; Hoff, Arild; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2009). Industrial inventory routing problems.
  • Hoff, Arild; Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2009). Industrial fleet size and mix problems - a survey.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2009). Improving construction heuristics for inventory routing problems.
  • Andersson, Henrik; Hoff, Arild; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2009). Inventory routing problems - Combined inventory management and routing.
  • Hoff, Arild (2008). Heuristics for the LNG inventory routing problem.
  • Løkketangen, Arne; Hoff, Arild; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar & Crainic, Teodor Gabriel (2008). A metaheuristic for stochastic service network design.
  • Hoff, Arild; Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2008). Industrial aspects and literature survey : fleet composition and routing.
  • Hoff, Arild; Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2007). Industrial aspects and literature survey : fleet dimensioning and routing, Abstracts (url.). Nordic Section of Math Programming Society.
  • Løkketangen, Arne & Hoff, Arild (2007). Bedre planlegging av transport. Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160. 165(25.09.2007), s. 31–31.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2007). A tabu search approach for milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers.
  • Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir; Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2007). Industrial Aspects and Literature Survey: Combined Inventory Management and Routing.
  • Hoff, Arild; Løkketangen, Arne; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel & Lium, Arnt-Gunnar (2006). Stochastic service network design : solving large instances using metaheuristics.
  • Løkketangen, Arne & Hoff, Arild (2006). Transportation of milk to dairies using trailers.
  • Hoff, Arild; Laporte, Gilbert & Løkketangen, Arne (2005). Creating lasso-solutions for the pickup and delivery problem using tabu search.
  • Hoff, Arild; Løkketangen, Arne & Laporte, Gilbert (2005). Creating lasso-solutions for the pick-up and delivery problem using tabu search.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2004). Creating lasso-solutions for the TSPPD-problem by tabu-search.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (1997). Finding prediction models by heuristic search.
  • Shaabani, Homayoun; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Laporte, Gilbert & Hoff, Arild (2023). Stability metrics for a maritime inventory routing problem under sailing time uncertainty . Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-342-7.
  • Hoff, Arild; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar; Løkketangen, Arne & Crainic, Teodor Gabriel (2009). A metaheuristic for stochastic service network design. University Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation.
  • Hoff, Arild & Løkketangen, Arne (2008). A tabu search approach for milk collection in Western Norway using trucks and trailers. Høgskolen i Molde. ISSN 978-82-7962-095-2.
  • Hoff, Arild; Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2008). Industrial Aspects and Literature Survey: Fleet Composition and Routing . SINTEF. ISSN 9788214043976. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Andersson, Henrik; Hoff, Arild; Christiansen, Marielle; Hasle, Geir & Løkketangen, Arne (2008). Industrial Aspects and Literature Survey: Combined Inventory Management and Routing . SINTEF. ISSN 9788214043990. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hoff, Arild; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar; Løkketangen, Arne & Crainic, Teodor Gabriel (2007). A metaheuristic for stochastic service network design. University Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation.
  • Hoff, Arild (2006). Heuristics for rich vehicle routing problems. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 8279620737.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 3. sep. 2018 16:00 - Sist endret 27. aug. 2024 07:19