Irina Gribkovskaia

Avdeling for logistikk
Bilde av Irina Gribkovskaia
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  • Matematisk modellering og optimeringsmetoder for logistiske planleggingsproblemer
  • Planlegging under usikkerhet
  • Utvikling av beslutningsstøtte
  • Ruteplanlegging
  • Offshore energi logistikk

Curriculum vitae

Den nyeste CV er tilgjengelig her (engelsk).


  • Abu-Marrul, Victor; Martinelli, Rafael; Hamacher, Silvio & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2022). Simheuristic algorithm for a stochastic parallel machine scheduling problem with periodic re-planning assessment. Annals of Operations Research. ISSN 0254-5330. 320(2), s. 547–572. doi: 10.1007/s10479-022-04534-5.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2021). Periodic supply vessel planning under demand and weather uncertainty. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. ISSN 0315-5986. 59(3), s. 411–438. doi: 10.1080/03155986.2021.1907872.
  • Abu-Marrul, Victor; Martinelli, Rafael; Hamacher, Silvio & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2020). Matheuristics for a parallel machine scheduling problem with non-anticipatory family setup times : application in the offshore oil and gas industry. Computers & Operations Research. ISSN 0305-0548. 128(April), s. 1–19. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2020.105162.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2019). Supply vessel routing and scheduling under uncertain demand. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. ISSN 0968-090X. 104(July), s. 305–316. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2019.04.011. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2018). Robust supply vessel routing and scheduling. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. ISSN 0968-090X. 90(May), s. 366–378. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2018.03.012.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2018). The periodic supply vessel planning problem with flexible departure times and coupled vessels. Computers & Operations Research. ISSN 0305-0548. 94(June), s. 52–64. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2018.02.008.
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2017). Environmental performance of speed optimization strategies in offshore supply vessel planning under weather uncertainty. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. ISSN 1361-9209. 57(December), s. 10–22. doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2017.08.002.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Gribkovskaia, Victoria (2015). A simulation model for the assessment of the northern sea route troughput. I Jæger, Bjørn (Red.), NOFOMA 2015 : Post Conference Proceedings, Molde, 3-5 June 2015, Nordic Logistics Research Network. Nordic Logistics Research Network. ISSN 978-82-7962-207-9. s. 175–189.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Halskau sr, Øyvind & Kovalyov, Mikhail Y. (2015). Minimizing takeoff and landing risk in helicopter pickup and delivery operations. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. ISSN 0305-0483. 55(September), s. 73–80. doi: 10.1016/
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2015). Supply vessel planning under cost, environment and robustness considerations. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. ISSN 0305-0483. 57(B), s. 271–281. doi: 10.1016/
  • Qian, Fubin; Strusevich, Vitaly A.; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Halskau sr, Øyvind (2015). Minimization of passenger takeoff and landing risk in offshore helicopter transportation: Models, approaches and analysis. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. ISSN 0305-0483. 51, s. 93–106. doi: 10.1016/
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2015). Modal split in offshore supply network under the objective of emissions minimization. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. ISSN 1361-9209. 35, s. 160–174. doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2014.11.018.
  • Sopot, Eugen & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2014). Routing of Supply Vessels to with Deliveries and Pickups of Multiple Commodities. Procedia Computer Science. ISSN 1877-0509. 31, s. 910–917. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.343.
  • Maisiuk, Yauhen & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2014). Fleet Sizing for Offshore Supply Vessels with Stochastic Sailing and Service Times. Procedia Computer Science. ISSN 1877-0509. 31, s. 939–948. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.346.
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Fagerholt, Kjetil (2013). A Large Neighbourhood Search Heuristic for a Periodic Supply Vessel Planning Problem Arising in Offshore Oil and Gas Operations. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. ISSN 0315-5986. 50(4), s. 195–204. doi: 10.3138/infor.50.4.195.
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2013). Reducing emissions through speed optimization in supply vessel operations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. ISSN 1361-9209. 23, s. 105–113. doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2013.04.007.
  • Qian, Fubin; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Halskau sr, Øyvind (2012). Passenger and pilot risk minimization in offshore helicopter transportation. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. ISSN 0305-0483. 40(5), s. 584–593. doi: 10.1016/
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Kurhuzava, Lidziya & Svirydava, Yuliya (2011). Development of routing planning tools for a distribution company. I Hammervoll, Trond (Red.), The 23rd Annual NOFOMA Conference 9–10 June 2011, Harstad, Norway: Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a High North perspective: Conference proceedings. Nordic Logistics Research Network. ISSN 8245302287. s. 405–421.
  • Qian, Fubin; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Halskau sr, Øyvind (2011). Helicopter routing in the Norwegian oil industry : including safety concerns for passenger transport. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. ISSN 0960-0035. 41(4), s. 401–415. doi: 10.1108/09600031111131959.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Kovalev, Sergey & Werner, Frank (2010). Batching for work and rework processes on dedicated facilities to minimize the makespan. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. ISSN 0305-0483. 38(6), s. 522–527. doi: 10.1016/
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Barceló, Jaume (2010). A simulation study of the fleet sizing problem arising in offshore anchor handling operations. European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217. 203(1), s. 230–240. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2009.07.012.
  • Hoff, Arild; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Løkketangen, Arne (2009). Lasso solution strategies for the vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries. European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217. 192(3), s. 755–766. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2007.10.021.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2008). One-to-many-to-one single vehicle pickup and delivery problem, The vehicle routing problem : latest advances and new challenges / Bruce Golden, S. Raghavan, Edward Wasil (eds.). Springer. s. 359–377.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Shlopak, Alexander (2008). A tabu search heuristic for a routing problem arising in servicing of offshore oil and gas platforms. Journal of the Operational Research Society. ISSN 0160-5682. 59(11), s. 1449–1459.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Shyshou, Aliaksandr (2008). The single vehicle routing problem with deliveries and selective pickups. Computers & Operations Research. ISSN 0305-0548. 35(9), s. 2908–2924. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2007.01.007.
  • Billaut, Jean-Charles; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Strusevich, Vitaly A. (2008). An improved approximation algorithm for the two-machine open shop scheduling problem with family setup times. IIE Transactions. ISSN 0740-817X. 40(4), s. 478–493.
  • Berbeglia, Gerardo; Cordeau, Jean-François; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2007). Static pickup and delivery problems: a classification scheme and survey. TOP - An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. ISSN 1134-5764. 15(1), s. 1–31.
  • Aas, Bjørnar; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Halskau, Øyvind & Shlopak, Alexander (2007). Routing of supply vessels to petroleum installations. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. ISSN 0960-0035. 37(2), s. 164–179.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Halskau, Øyvind & Laporte, Gilbert (2007). The bridges of Konigsberg - A historical perspective. Networks. ISSN 0028-3045. 49(3), s. 199–203.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Halskau, Øyvind; Laporte, Gilbert & Vlcek, Martin (2007). General solutions to the single vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries. European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217. 180(2), s. 568–584.
  • Aas, Bjørnar; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Halskau, Øyvind & Shlopak, Alexander (2006). Routing of supply vessels serving oil and gas installations in the Norwegian Sea, Economic order quantities assuming generalised order costs. NOFOMA.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Slettemark, Gaute Øiestad (2024). Tactical offshore helicopter planning .
  • Kovalenko, Alina; Skriabin, Anton; Strukov, Mikhail & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2023). Simulation modelling of transit container ship transportation with transhipment hubs via the Northeast Passage.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina (2022). Multidisciplinary Norwegian-Belarusian two-diploma MSc program in Logistics Analytics: Eurasia programme project CPEA-2015/10061 (2016-2022).
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Redutskiy, Yury (2022). Presentation of Norwegian-Russian collaboration project UTF-10023 Arctic Logistics .
  • Abu-Marrul, Victor; Martinelli, Rafael; Hamacher, Silvio & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2022). A simulation-optimization approach for a complex parallel machine scheduling problem.
  • Kovalenko, Alina; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Skriabin, Anton & Strukov, Mikhail (2022). Fleet sizing for ice-capable container vessels used for the transit traffic between transhipment hubs on the Northeast Passage.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina (2021). Norwegian-Russian collaboration project UTF-10023 Arctic Logistics: Report and Plan for 2021.
  • Igor, Girao Peres Vianna; Ribas, Paulo Cesar; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Ferreira Filho, Virgilio Jose Martins (2021). Multi-objective optimization approach for operational supply vessel planning.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Stsefanovich, Kanstantsin & Pishchalava, Ahata (2021). Horizontal cooperation in periodic vehicle routing and periodic supply vessel planning.
  • Skriabin, Anton; Kovalenko, Alina & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2021). Simulation models for fleet sizing and cargo throughput analysis in Arctic shipping.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina (2020). Norwegian-Russian collaboration project UTF-10023 Arctic Logistics: Presentation.
  • Kovalenko, Alina & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2020). The analyses of infrastructure and transit cargoes through Arctic region.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Bøthun, Sunniva (2020). Det er viktig for oss å vise vår solidaritet. [Avis]. Romsdals Budstikke.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2017). Heuristic based approach for generation of cost-effective and robust supply vessel schedules.
  • Maisiuk, Yauhen & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2017). Evaluation of methods for construction of robust supply vessel schedules with discrete-event simulation.
  • Maisiuk, Yauhen & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2015). Recourse strategies in weather dependent supply vessel operations.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Maisiuk, Yauhen (2014). Routing and fleet sizing for offshore supply vessels.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Maisiuk, Yauhen (2014). Routing and fleet sizing for offshore supply vessels. I ., . (Red.), ROUTE 2014 : International Workshop on Vehicle Routing, Intermodal Transport and Related Areas : June 1-4, 2014. Technical University of Denmark.
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2014). Modal split in offshore upstream supply chain under the objective of emissions minimization.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Shcherbanin, Yury & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2014). Analysis of logistics capabilities for gas transportation in the Arctic.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Norlund, Ellen Karoline (2014). Robust supply vessel planning with speed optimization.
  • Hubin, Aliaksandr; Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2014). Evaluating robustness of speed optimized supply vessel schedules.
  • Maisiuk, Yauhen & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2014). Modelling of supply vessel operations with simulation.
  • Maisiuk, Yauhen & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2013). Fleet sizing for offshore supply vessels.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Halskau sr, Øyvind & Qian, Fubin (2012). On routing and risk minimization in offshore helicopter transportation.
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2012). Reducing emissions in offshore supply vessel planning by speed optimization.
  • Qian, Fubin; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Halskau sr, Øyvind (2012). Passenger and pilot risk minimization in offshore helicopter transportation.
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2012). Speed strategies for green supply vessel planning.
  • Sopot, Eugen; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2012). Routing of supply vessels to offshore installations with deliveries and pickups of multiple commodities.
  • Maisiuk, Yauhen & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2012). A simulation study of the fleet sizing problem for offshore supply vessels.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Qian, Fubin; Laporte, Gilbert; Fagerholt, Kjetil & Halskau sr, Øyvind (2011). Vehicle routing problems arising in servicing offshore oil installation.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Kurhuzava, Lidziya & Svirydava, Yuliya (2011). Development of routing planning tools for a distribution company.
  • Qian, Fubin; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Halskau sr, Øyvind (2011). Passenger and pilot risk minimization in offshore helicopter transportation.
  • Qian, Fubin; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Halskau sr, Øyvind (2011). Improving transportation safety for passenger and pilot in offshore helicopter routing.
  • Qian, Fubin; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Halskau, Øyvind (2010). A tabu search heuristic for offshore helicopter routing problem with focus on passenger safety.
  • Qian, Fubin; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Halskau, Øyvind (2010). Helicopter routing in the Norwegian oil industry : including safety concerns for passenger transport.
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Fagerholt, Kjetil; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2010). A large neighbourhood search heuristic for a periodic supply vessel planning problem arising in offshore oil and gas operations.
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Fagerholt, Kjetil & Laporte, Gilbert (2010). Heuristic solution method for a supply vessel planning problem arising in offshore oil and gas operations.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Shyshou, Aliaksandr (2009). A simulation study of the fleet sizing problem arising in offshore anchor handling operations.
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Barceló, Jaume (2009). A simulation model for the fleet sizing problem arising in offshore anchor handling operations. I ., Ukjent (Red.), Abctract CD of OYSSEUS Workshop 2009 International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Çesme, Turkey, 2009-05-26 - 2009-05-29. ODYSSEUS.
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Barceló, Jaume (2009). A simulation model for the fleet sizing problem arising in offshore anchor handling operations.
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Barceló, Jaume (2009). Offshore anchor handling operations : a simulation analysis of different vessel fleet configurations. I ukjent, . (Red.), Program and Abstracts of Optimization Days 2009, GERAD - HEC Montréal, Canada, 2009-05-04 - 2009-05-06. GERAD Group for Research in Decision Analysis - HEC Montréal.
  • Shyshou, Aliaksandr; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Barceló, Jaume (2009). Offshore anchor handling operations : a simulation analysis of different vessel fleet configurations.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2008). Solving a family of pickup and delivery vehicle routing problems arising in reverse logistics and the supply of oil and gas platforms.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2008). Solving a family of pickup and delivery vehicle routing problems arising in reverse logistics and the supply of oil and gas platforms, ECCO XXI - Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 29-31. 2008 : Conference Proceedings. Croatian Operational Research Society (HDOI). s. 38–39.
  • Bakhrankova, Krystsina; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Haugen, Kjetil Kåre (2007). Production planning in continuous process industries. I Ukjent, Ukjent (Red.), Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics, NOFOMA 2007 / Halldórsson, Á., Stefánsson, G. (Eds.) (CD-ROM). The Nordic Logistics Research Network; NOFOMA. s. 69–84.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina (2007). Single vehicle pickup and delivery problem with capacitated customers.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina (2007). Single vehicle pickup and delivery problem with capacitated customers, Sixth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization : Abstract Booklet. Schweizerische Vereinigung für Operations Research.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina (2007). Single vehicle pickup and delivery problem with capacitated customers [ppt].
  • Bakhrankova, Krystsina; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Haugen, Kjetil Kåre (2007). Production planning in continuous process industries.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina (2007). Routing of supply vessels to offshore oil and gas platforms.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert & Shyshou, Aliaksandr (2007). The single vehicle routing problem with deliveries and selective pickups.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2007). Solving a family of single vehicle pickup and delivery problems by tabu search.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Laporte, Gilbert; Vlcek, Martin & Halskau, Øyvind (2006). General solutions to the single Vehicle Routing Problem with pickups and deliveries. I Corberán, Angel (Red.), Proceedings of Odysseus 2006 : the Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics. International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics. Altea (Spain).
  • Halskau, Øyvind; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Nordli, Atle (2006). Economic order quantities assuming generalised order costs.
  • Kovalenko, Alina; Gribkovskaia, Irina; Skriabin, Anton & Strukov, Mikhail (2024). Simulation modelling of transit container ship transportation with transhipment hubs via the Northeast Passage . Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics. ISSN 978-82-7962-358-8.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Klyuev, Vladislav & Slettemark, Gaute Øiestad (2023). Tactical helicopter resource planning and weekly flight scheduling for personnel transportation in offshore energy industry . Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics. ISSN 978-82-7962-346-5.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2018). Supply vessel routing and scheduling under uncertain demand . Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-246-8.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2017). Robust supply vessel routing and scheduling. Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics. ISSN 978-82-7962-225-3.
  • Kisialiou, Yauheni; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2017). An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the periodic supply vessel planning problem with flexible departures and coupled vessels . Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-221-5.
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline; Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2015). Supply vessel planning under cost, environment and robustness considerations. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-196-6.
  • Norlund, Ellen Karoline & Gribkovskaia, Irina (2014). Environmental performance of speed optimization strategies in offshore supply vessel planning under weather uncertainty. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-190-4.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Halskau sr, Øyvind & Kovyalov, Mikhail Y. (2012). Minimizing takeoff and landing risk in helicopter pickup and delivery operations. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-156-0.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina; Kovalev, Sergey & Werner, Frank (2009). Lot-sizing for an imperfect continuous production on two machines. Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg.
  • Gribkovskaia, Irina & Laporte, Gilbert (2007). One-to-many-to-one single vehicle pickup and delivery problems. GERAD - Group for Research in Decision Analysis.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 3. sep. 2018 16:00 - Sist endret 26. aug. 2024 12:47