Frans Fluttert

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  • Johansen, Kirsten Kjær; Marcussen, Jette; Hansen, Jens Peter; Hounsgaard, Lise & Fluttert, Frans A. J. (2021). Early recognition method for patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in community mental health care: Illness insight, self-management and control. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN 0962-1067. 31(23-24), s. 3535–3549. doi: 10.1111/jocn.16181.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Eidhammer, Gunnar & Dale, Karl Yngvar (2021). Early recognition method : ‘Opening doors’ in risk management dialogue between mental health and prison services. I Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff; Johnsen, Berit; Kloetzer, Laure & Kajamaa, Anu (Red.), Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems. Supporting offender rehabilitation. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 9783030706616. s. 267–295. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-70661-6_11. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Johansen, Kirsten Kjær; Hounsgaard, Lise; Hansen, Jens Peter & Fluttert, Frans A. J. (2021). Early Recognition Method - amplifying relapse management in community mental health care : a comprehensive study of the effects on relapse and readmission. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. ISSN 0883-9417. 35(6), s. 587–597. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2021.08.004. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Gildberg, Frederik Alkier; Fallesen, Janni Petersen; Vogn, Dorit; Baker, John & Fluttert, Frans A. J. (2021). Conflict management : a qualitative study of mental health staff’s perceptions of factors that may influence conflicts with forensic mental health inpatients. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. ISSN 0883-9417. 35(5), s. 407–417. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2021.06.007.
  • Johansen, Kirsten Kjær; Hounsgaard, Lise; Frandsen, Tove Faber; Fluttert, Frans A.J. & Hansen, Jens Peter (2020). Relapse prevention in ambulant mental health care tailored to patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. ISSN 1351-0126. 28(4), s. 549–577. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12716.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Bjørkly, Stål & Dale, Karl Yngvar (2020). The impact of a discarded diagnosis and focus on early warning signs of aggression on relations between user and municipal service providers : a narrative of a complex case. Current Psychology. ISSN 1046-1310. 41(8), s. 5503–5513. doi: 10.1007/s12144-020-01055-x.
  • Eidhammer, Gunnar; Fluttert, Frans A. J. & Bjørkly, Stål (2014). User involvement in structured violence risk management within forensic mental health facilities : a systematic literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN 0962-1067. 23(19-20), s. 2716–2724. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12571.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Meijel, Berno; Bjørkly, Stål; Van Leeuwen, Mirjam & Grypdonck, Mieke (2013). The investigation of early warning signs of aggression in forensic patients by means of the ‘Forensic Early Signs of Aggression Inventory’. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN 0962-1067. 22(11-12), s. 1550–1558. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04318.x.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Meijel, Berno; Van Leeuwen, Mirjam; Bjørkly, Stål; Nijman, Henk & Grypdonck, Mieke (2011). The Development of the Forensic Early Warning Signs of Aggression Inventory: Preliminary findings: Toward a Better Management of Inpatient Aggression. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. ISSN 0883-9417. 25(2), s. 129–137. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2010.07.001.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Meijel, Berno; Nijman, Henk; Bjørkly, Stål & Grypdonck, Mieke (2010). Preventing aggressive incidents and seclusions in forensic care by means of the 'Early Recognition Method'. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN 0962-1067. 19(11-12), s. 1529–1537. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.02986.x.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Meijel, Berno; Nijman, Henk; Bjørkly, Stål & Grypdonck, Mieke (2010). Detached Concern of Forensic Mental Health Nurses in Therapeutic Relationships With Patients: The Application of the Early Recognition Method Related to Detached Concern. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. ISSN 0883-9417. 24(4), s. 266–274. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2009.09.002.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Meijel, Berno; Nijman, Henk; Bjørkly, Stål & Grypdonck, Mieke (2008). Die Resultate einer Studie zur Früherkennung von Gewaltsituationen. I Saimeh, Nahlah (Red.), Zukunftswerkstatt Maßregelvollzug. Psychiatrie-Verlag. ISSN 978-3-88414-461-9. s. 79–86.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Hassiotis, Angela; Almvik, Roger & Fluttert, Frans A. J. (2022). Coercion as a response to violence in mental health-care settings. The Lancet. ISSN 0140-6736. 9(1), s. 6–8. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00476-4.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J. & Van Mesdag, S. (2021). FMH-nursing risk formulaton and the ‘onward flight’ of the early recogniton method. IAFMHS Newsletter. 6(1-2), s. 9–10.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Mesdag, S.; van Leuwen, Mirjam & Van Meijel, Berno (2016). Agressie in de forensische zorg : ERM-­‐vroegsignalering en management van delict-­‐gevaarlijkheid. I Van Meijel, Berno (Red.), Ggz-verpleegkunde in de praktijk. Tijdstroom, Uitgeverij De. ISSN 9789058982971.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J. (2016). Risicobeheersing en zelfmanagement via kwetsbare patronen van gedragsontregeling. I Menger, Anneke; Krechtig, Lous & Bosker, Jacqueline (Red.), Werken in gedwongen kader : methodiek voor het forensisch sociaal werk. Uitgeverij SWP. ISSN 9789088504242. s. 339–352.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Eidhammer, Gunnar; Friestad, Christine; Dale, Karl Yngvar; Bjørkly, Stål & Rustad, Åse-Bente L (2015). The Early Recognition Method used to identify precursors of aggression in prisoner. I Callaghan, Patrick; Oud, Nico; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon; Nijman, Henk; Palmstierna, Tom & Duxbury, Joy (Red.), Violence in Clinical Psychiatry : Proceedings of the 9th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry, 22 – 24 October 2015 Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers. Kavanah, Dwingeloo & Oud Consultancy. ISSN 978-90-574-0144-2. s. 313–314.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Eidhammer, Gunnar; Friestad, Christine; Dale, Karl Yngvar; Bjørkly, Stål & Rustad, Åse-Bente L (2015). The Early Recognition Method used to identify precursors of aggression in prisoner.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Meijel, Berno; Van Leeuwen, Mirjam; Bjørkly, Stål; Nijman, Henk & Grypdonck, Mieke (2011). The development and application of the Forensic Early Signs of Aggression Inventory in forensic care.
  • Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Van Meijel, Berno; Nijman, Henk; Bjørkly, Stål & Grypdonck, Mieke (2009). Die Methode der Frühwarnsignale in der Prävention von Risikoverhalten. SCHIZOPHRENIE Beiträge zu Forschung,Therapie und psychosozialem Management. ISSN 0938-2720. 25(Oktober 2009), s. 34–43.
  • Eidhammer, Gunnar; Fluttert, Frans A. J.; Knutzen, Maria & Bjørkly, Stål (2013). Early Recognition Method - ERM : Pilotfase 2 - 2009-2013. Kompetansesenter for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri. Helseregion Sør-Øst. ISSN 978-82-8227-021-2.

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Publisert 6. mars 2019 10:17 - Sist endret 6. mars 2019 10:19